Good Friday
This Easter, I am sending out a short thought about each day of this holy weekend: Good Friday, Silent Saturday, Easter Sunday. I have asked God to make this weekend meaningful for me spiritually and hope to lend some assistance in making your Easter weekend spiritually meaningful as well. As our country prepares to select […]
What love is not.
Last week I said there were two devotional times that had me pondering deeply. One was discussed last week, that Jesus had no voice. This week my pondering is about what love is…and isn’t. I was doing homework in Walking as Jesus Walked when I read some of the most well-known passages in what is […]
Jesus had no voice
For I have not spoken on my own authority, but the Father who sent me has himself given me a commandment–what to say and what to speak. (John 12:49) I have had two devotional times lately that have set me on a journey of thought. One of them included this verse. It got me thinking. […]
Your struggles could end today.
I read a thought-provoking account of Jesus walking on the water last week and I can’t get it out of my mind (John 6:16-21). When evening came, his disciples went down to the sea, got into a boat, and started across the sea to Capernaum. It was now dark, and Jesus had not yet come […]
Simple anchors for my soul in a nation of eating issues.
I have have been observing food issues for quite some time now as a person living in America. I can’t present an exhaustive discussion of food issues in a single blog post, but I want to start putting order to some of my scattered thoughts as I live in a culture bound and determined to […]
If God can use a 16-year-old…
Do you know Joni Eareckson Tada? Maybe not personally, but do you know who she is? Joni dove into a pond when she was 17 years old and broke her neck. She has spent nearly 50 years in a wheelchair. She is married to Ken Tada and is the founder of She travels the […]
God is (more than) enough for me.
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! I hope you have a sweet day in more ways than candy can provide. I hope people treat you well and God touches your heart with His love in special ways today. Last week at church one of our pastors spoke on Jude 1:1-3: Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and […]
Who I Pray To
Last week in a discussion with some ladies I asked if any of them ever prayed to the Holy Spirit. I thought I was going to hear a chorus of yesses in response, but instead they all said they only pray to God. They explained that since God is actually three-in-one all at the same […]
Words that made me cry
I cried one morning this week during a time of private bible study. I was disappointed in myself. I was disappointed because I contemplate God’s holiness probably more than most people. I am quite enthralled by it, actually. God is perfect. He is holy. And His HOLY Spirit lives in me. I actually expect the […]
Is this word in your faith vocabulary?
Last January I signed up to participate in an online scripture memory program coordinated by Living Proof Ministries (LPM), founded by Beth Moore. LPM runs the program every two years, after which participants are invited to a special, more intimate conference with Beth. Our spirals are our ticket in and reciting our verses is our […]