Why will hell be horrific?

As I interact with people from all over the world, I have noticed that whenever someone shares their religion, they talk about a dark world, evil or hell. In their minds, how people live their lives hinges on some sort of eternal destiny, either a happy or sad one. Except for many Christians. We don’t […]
Who is going to pay your sin bill?

Did you ever go to dinner with another party and fight over who was going to pay the bill? You know the tussle that occurs. A person who wants to pay gets the server’s attention before the meal is served and speaks rapidly in low tones into his or her ear. The server nods with […]
The Blessing — Today I Bless You
I hope each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. I certainly relished getting hugs from grandchildren and catching up with a daughter I rarely see. She is amazing. She does one million things well. I loved watching her do life in church, in the kitchen, as a wife and mom. I […]
Why is it good news that we are frail?
This week I spoke at my church on intercessory prayer and referenced this poster. NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft saw our home as a pale blue dot beyond the orbit of Neptune. (Can you see the pale blue dot in the upper right?) I purchased it for my office from Amazon because it reminds me of […]
This Easter, are you more like Mary Magdalene or Peter?
Today is a wonderful day of celebration for Christ followers! Today Jesus proved his power over death and provided the evidence that He can make good on His promise of eternal life for all who place their faith in Him (John 3:16). If you happen to attend church for Easter this year, you may only […]
Seeing the enemy of our souls through a 9/11 lens.
It was September 11, 2001, a beautiful Tuesday morning fifteen years ago today. My husband and I showed up for a meeting at a home at 9 a.m. The homeowner already had the television on. A plane had crashed into the North tower at 8:46 a.m. while we were in transit to her home. We […]
Living with the Consequences
Last week I blogged about new insights I had gleaned from the story of David and Bathsheba in 2 Samuel 11. A lot happened in that chapter. David committed adultery with Bathsheba and then had her husband killed in battle. Turns out, a lot happened in the next chapter too — 2 Samuel 12. This […]
Got any warped boards in your life?
My friend was cleaning her kitchen when she noticed some water on the floor near her dishwasher. She knelt down to wipe up the wetness when she noticed some floorboards were slightly warped. Just a bit. She could have ignored these small signs, but she didn’t. Upon further investigation she found moisture on a wall, […]