Merry Christmas

To my beautiful blog subscribers and to anyone else who stops in this week, thank you for visiting this address in cyberspace in 2019. This month we have been contemplating what life must have been like for Mary, the mother of Jesus. On this Christmas day, I imagine her holding a baby that is completely […]
The world didn’t see Mary, but God did.

Thank you for contemplating with me this month what Mary’s life was like prior to our Savior’s birth. Two weeks ago we considered her visit from Gabriel HERE. Last week we considered the kindness of God to provide companionship through Elizabeth HERE, along with the interaction between two unborn children. This week, Elizabeth voiced the […]
When did Mary get pregnant?

In last week’s post, a young woman named Mary, a virgin, received news that the Holy Spirit was going to come upon her and she was going to have a son. His name was to be, Jesus. He would be “great and be called the Son of the Most High.” The Lord God would “give […]
Women of the Easter Story. They stayed.

In a society currently focused on women’s rights issues, it’s worth taking a look at the evidence that Jesus found women valuable. Throughout Scripture we see Him honor the marginalized in general, not just women. His birth was announced to shepherds watching their flocks by night. He dined with tax collectors and healed the sick […]
Week 2 of Advent: Faith

This December, I want to focus less on giving gifts and more on receiving the Gift of Jesus. Last week HERE I contemplated the intricacies of adoption. We have HOPE because Jesus came to rescue us when we could do nothing to rescue ourselves. The process of adoption – though beautiful – is never easy. […]
Mary on this night so long ago
It’s Christmas eve. The inn is still on my mind. Long ago on this day, Mary and Joseph asked for a room in the inn. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn. […]