Has blogging saved my life?

Several months ago, my pastor was preaching about the dangers of drifting away from God. At a climactic point in his message he first paused and then deliberately stated with power,

“If you drift, you will die.”

He did not mean that we would die physically. Just like in Genesis 2:17, God tells Adam regarding the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, “in the day that you eat from it you shall surely die.” God did not mean Adam and Eve would die on the spot. By “you shall surely die” He meant that they would separate themselves from their source of life — Him — and death and decay would permeate every area of their lives and creation as a natural consequence of that decision.

I listened to this sermon online and soon after walked directly into my bedroom and exclaimed, “I think blogging has kept me alive.” You see, I have thought about stopping blogging several times and seriously considered it again in 2023. After all, it takes a couple of hours a week (at least) and my readership is very small.

All I ever wanted to do was make some space for Jesus in cyberspace.

The internet is a wonderful tool in so many ways, but it can be used for darkness as well. I have freedom to put some truth out there, so I wanted to seize that opportunity. This was my reason for starting to blog in the first place.

TODAY — Sunday, January 14 — MARKS POST 500.

Yes, I have posted 500 times as of today. I have been blogging for 9.5 years. While the world has transitioned to podcasts, I have kept showing up here.

I have stayed small.

At the moment I have 55 subscribers, 27 of which are active. I am writing for 27 people and not all of those people read the blog each week. In the blog world, someone who is reading over 50% of the posts is considered excellent. Someone reading 25-49% of posts is considered good. These percentages are very different than our traditional thinking about school grades! With numbers that small, I certainly have reason to consider whether blogging is something to continue or not. As my family and work responsibilities expand, I can find some extra time if I retire from this weekly habit.

But here’s the deal.

Publishing a blog each Sunday gives my mind a good place to go Monday through Saturday. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. (Colossians 3:2) Instead of ruminating in my life circumstances, I always have a blog to write on Sunday about “things above!” I imagine the blogs in my head before I sit down to plunk out a draft every Tuesday. This means my mind is often on “things above” as I drive to and from work, or clean the kitchen.

The beauty of routine

In my first career as a corporate trainer, my mentor taught me the value of routine as a key to productivity and peace. As I have applied what he taught me nearly 40 years ago:

Most seasons I….

Participate in a bible study with other women, averaging three each year.

Most days I…

  • Pray
  • Read my Bible
  • Write in a thank you journal
  • Do a load of laundry

Most Sundays I…

  • Clean the master bathroom as I get ready for church
  • Go to church
  • Water my orchids

Most Mondays and Wednesdays I…

  • Clean the downstairs bathroom
  • Clean the downstairs

Most Tuesdays and Thursdays I…

  • Clean the other upstairs bathroom
  • Clean the upstairs
  • Draft my blogs
  • Grade student work

Many Fridays I…

  • Visit my grandson

Most Saturdays I…

  • Mop the non-carpeted flooring in my home
  • Pick up groceries

This is the beauty of routine.

Things don’t have to be perfect, but things still get done most of the time. If I miss cleaning the floor on a Saturday, for example, I just get it done the next Saturday. As a result, floors are mopped most Saturdays. (This is where the “peace” part of “productivity and peace” comes in. I don’t stress when I miss a Saturday item because I now have to cram it into Sunday or Monday. The pressure is off. I will just start again next Saturday. Since I mop most Saturdays, nothing in the house is desperate need of cleaning attention.)

Now for the drum roll…

EVERY Sunday I have blogged.

Not most Sundays, but every Sunday. Every single week of the last 9.5 years, my mind has had somewhere good to go Monday through Saturday as I prepared a place for Jesus in cyberspace every Sunday. To my sweet list of 27, thank you for tuning in. You are precious to me.

Returning to the drifting concept.

You may now understand why I exclaimed, “I think blogging has kept me alive,” after my pastor firmly stated, “If you drift, you will die.” Through it all — really hard times, good times, unbelievable stress, financial surprises, relationship worries and surprises, upheaval, busy things — I have always had a reason to rise up in my mind to things above where “life is hidden with Christ in God.” (Colossians 3:3b)

What is your anchor routine?

None of us are the same, but I do think it’s worth pausing to ask if there is one spiritual discipline that is nearly 100% a part of your every day or week of your life. If you do not have one, perhaps consider one to keep from drifting. If you have one,

It may be keeping you alive.

Picture Explanation: My daughters sent me winter pictures this week from three parts of the country — Illinois, Georgia, and California. (We won’t feel sorry for the daughter in California this week. Ha!)

Two One Gritty Blink studies are planned so far for 2024! 

Speaking of setting our minds on things above: If you are interested in being contacted to participate in a One Gritty Blink Bible study, click on the Oaks Ministries link below and send me an email so I can place you on a list to be contacted as online and face-to-face studies are planned. Let’s not just focus on things in this short life, but also what counts for eternity!

Note: No part of my posts are derived from A.I. Thoughts and writing stem from my mind and heart as I process life week-by-week and continue to grow in my understanding of God and how to apply His wisdom to the world around me.

© 2024 by Oaks Ministries. All rights reserved.

22 Responses

  1. On your 500th post, I am compelled to write my first public reply. I am one of the 27 and I look forward to this weekly post that always offers something relevant to my life. Today is no different. Thank you for the reminder that habits and regular decisions can deeply affect the path of our lives. For years I had that Colossians 3:2 verse written on an index card next to my bathroom mirror. I know my natural tendency is to focus on the things of this physical world and I don’t want that tendency to control my days which turn into months and years. Interestingly, I took it down yesterday when I was cleaning. Something tells me I should put it back!
    Thank you for your commitment, Laurie. I know it’s never been about the numbers for you, but I celebrate this 500th milestone with you today!

    1. Well, isn’t that interesting! Colossians 3:2 gets to both of us! Maybe you should put it back, but I have a sneakin’ suspicion it’s made it from a postcard on your mirror and now permeates your heart. You live it.

      Thank you for making a public reply. Means a lot.

  2. I am blessed by reading your blogs and grateful you have decided to continue writing them. I love how doing it keeps your mind on things above. Beautiful.

  3. Thankyou for blogging every Sunday, Laurie! We are the beneficiaries of you setting your mind on things above all week & writing about it: for us & Jesus! Thankyou! It’s always timely, makes me think & chock full of photos!

  4. Laurie, thank you so much for your faithfulness in blogging every Sunday! Your posts always bring life to my soul! Thank you for sharing your spiritual insights and your life with those of us who look forward to your post each week. God’s Word will not return void. Your little place in cyberspace is making a huge difference in my life and many others I am sure!!

    1. I smiled at, “your little place in cyberspace” made me smile. I had two thoughts. One, God can do amazing things with just a little. It’s everywhere in Scripture. Two, it doesn’t matter if I stay small. God is in charge, and I am okay with that.

    1. I pray that you count me as part of the 27. The first thing I do on Sunday mornings is look for your email. I my not respond all the time but know that your words always take me to a place of contemplation. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to keeping us in His presence ❤️

      1. You are part of the 27! I do not look at stats very often but the computer keeps track behind the scenes. Ha!

        I love you. Looking forward to when I get my next April hug in greeting. 🙂


  5. Laurie,
    Your faithfulness touches my heart and at the same time, inspires me. I’m one of those people that lives day to day, student by student, and moment by moment in relative obscurity. I often wonder if what I’m doing really matters. You may relate to that. However, like we studied in class today at church, if we truly have faith, then living to serve God and others…often in obscurity, is what we should be doing. Though we may never see the fruits of our labor, seeds are faithfully being planted for a future harvest, and that is what is most important.

    Paul says in 1 Cor. 3:9, “I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow. The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work. For we are both God’s workers. And you are God’s field. You are God’s building.”

    By your faithfulness, God is glorified and His kingdom is growing.

    1. “Day by day, student by student, and moment by moment in relative obscurity.”

      Sounds about right!

      We are going to be shocked by what God does with our few fish and loaves. Oh, Lord, feed the multitudes with our lives. Bless our offerings. We have no power but You.

  6. Wow! 500 blogs. 500 ANYTHINGS is remarkable. Congrat’s on the milestone and like all the others who’ve already written, I appreciate the thought and effort that goes into what you write. Good also to hear about the pull and tug – to write or to stop. Nothing done for a long time like that is ever easy. I think every one of us has that same struggle as we face different things we’ve done for a long time – should I keep doing this? Is it worth it? Is there something better than this? (Can I put it off…..and off….????) I too am glad you continue to write. Keep up the good work – for as long as you believe God wants you to do it and know you are a blessing to all of us who read your blog each week.

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Planting and Watering

I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes growth.

1 Corinthians 3:6

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