The significance of moments in time

I am fascinated by moments in time. For every person on earth there is an almost sacred moment in history that was hand-selected by God for us to born, like 5:56 a.m., 6:13 a.m. and 2:51 a.m.  for my children. For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven… (Ecclesiastes […]

Surviving Heartbreak

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. (Psalm 34:18) I have been brokenhearted. Those that have been following me for a while know I suffered a broken heart in my mid-twenties when three events occurred in rapid succession that culminated in the death of my brother, Dan. I […]

The Unexpected Answers of God

Yet he frequently withdrew to the wilderness to pray. Luke 5:16 I recently read this verse and paused. Would people say this about me? Would my children say they watch their mom frequently withdraw to a place where I can’t be interrupted to pray? I blush at the answer, yet I also know this is […]

A Pesky Puppy Proves a Point

   The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps. Proverbs 16:9 We don’t control anything. Oh, we think we do! We make to-do lists and check them off! We are productive people, after all. We plan and make it happen! Wrong. Oh, we plan, but we can’t make anything happen. […]

The clear winner in God’s Story

This week I was listening to a TALK by Francis Chan. He began by saying he was asked as a young teaching pastor not to preach on a particular set of verses because people consider them offensive. Chan said, “It’s weird that this is being debated today, because it wasn’t for centuries.” What verses? After […]

What is the best use of God’s power?

I have been re-reading Colossians 1:10-12 where Paul shares the secret of what it means to live a life fully pleasing to God. Not partially or mostly, but fully. I want to know! 10 so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: (1) bearing fruit in every good […]

Is this definition a good one?

   I recently saw this post on Instagram: The best definition of love I heard: Love is giving someone the power to destroy you and trusting they won’t use it. The moment I read it, I edited it in my head to this: The best definition of love I heard: Love is giving someone the […]

An Alarming Reality

Recently I was awakened from a sound sleep by a beeping sound coming from somewhere in the darkness of the house. Beep Beep! What is that? Beep Beep! My husband and I began a bleary-eyed search for the source coming from somewhere upstairs. It was our Carbon Monoxide (CO) detector. Our model didn’t have an […]

When you don’t know where to begin

Has anyone ever asked you a question and you honestly didn’t know where to begin? Perhaps the answer was too extensive to be succinct, too personal to feel comfortable, or too complicated to know where to start. I can feel that way with God. I want to tell Him everything, but sometimes life is so […]

Are we distorting the gospel?

I had a thought-provoking time in Galatians recently. Some verses leapt from the page and forced me to ask myself: Am I believing a different gospel in any way, shape, or form? Paul is pleading with members of the church of Galatia not to return to a gospel of good works after receiving the gospel […]