Summer Snippet 1: Have I lost some wonder?
Do we boast in the Lord? Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 1:31) If not, why not? Perhaps Jesus is not our treasure yet. This past Tuesday, an amazing event occurred at our church. CARSON WEITNAUER presented the first of four sessions on evangelism […]
I am a soldier.
This week I attended our city’s annual Memorial Day tribute. I always enjoy gathering with community members to say the pledge of allegiance, hear the Star Spangled Banner, listen to Amazing Grace on the bagpipes, hear Taps, and watch the release of doves, a symbol of peace. The event speaker this year was a newly […]
We get to live happily ever after!
It’s wedding season! At least it is for my daughters who are in their mid-twenties. So many of their peers are getting married. The brides are always so beautiful, aren’t they? It’s not just their youth. Many times it feels to me that God blesses brides because marriage reflects His Story for us. We are […]
What do people think about you?
You may have just thought, “It doesn’t matter what people think about me. All that matters is what God thinks about me.” Yes, and no. David cries out in Psalm 109:21: But deal well with me, O Sovereign Lord, for the sake of your own reputation! As an avid Christ follower, I share the responsibility […]
The Glad and Sad of Mother’s Day
Before I got out of bed this past Thursday, I smiled toward heaven and prayed, “Good morning, Lord. I look forward to living the day! I have never lived May 9 before!” Then I stepped out of bed onto a wad of gum that adhered to the ball of my foot with super-glue grip. Only […]
Can I really have self-control?
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23) I have had this verse memorized for decades, but two parts of this verse seem to have a megaphone on them lately. I can’t get them off my mind. […]
Am I nice to come home to?
I did something on purpose this week when my son got in the car. I smiled enthusiastically. Afterward, I realized I have developed a habit over the years that I will share today. Strangely enough, for a woman who loves Jesus like I do, none of them involve a Bible verse. God has used three […]
She was the first to see the risen Lord
The women rose while it was still dark. Every gospel account shows women rising before dark to go to the tomb. When they arrived, Jesus had already risen from the dead. When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go to anoint him. […]
Women of the Easter Story. They stayed.
In a society currently focused on women’s rights issues, it’s worth taking a look at the evidence that Jesus found women valuable. Throughout Scripture we see Him honor the marginalized in general, not just women. His birth was announced to shepherds watching their flocks by night. He dined with tax collectors and healed the sick […]
Jesus had us on His mind while on the cross.
Two of Christ’s twelve disciples really messed up during the events leading up to the crucifixion, Judas and Peter. Judas betrayed Jesus. Then Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve disciples, went to the leading priest to arrange to betray Jesus to them….So he began looking for an opportunity to betray Jesus. (Mark 14:10-11) …Judas, one […]