When bad news is also good news.


As I get older, I find my heart and message honing in on some key themes in life. I think that is what God does for each of us as we walk closely with Him.

He gives us a piece of His heart.


None of us can comprehend every facet of our great God, but together we can reflect His beauty to the world…

Like a gorgeous diamond.


The facets I seem to be called to communicate include:

  • The brevity of life.
  • The holiness of God.
  • Living in a way that displays His nature to the world.
  • Discipleship

When I analyze my writing and speaking topics, each seems to fall consistently under one of the umbrella topics just listed. I am honing in on my God-given passions and improving my ability (with practice) to communicate effectively about each one.

A few weeks ago I was hit squarely in the face with an insight that directly refutes a commonly voiced concern about Christianity and touches on the holiness of God. People ask, why did just one sin separate us from God? Why did it only take one act of disobedience in the garden of Eden (eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil) to produce spiritual separation from God for Adam and Eve and their descendants, every other human being ever born?

That seems like such bad news.



In the eyes of many people, God seems so harsh and strict when first examining this truth — spiritual separation for all mankind over one act of disobedience. But let’s look today at the flip side of this story.  Just a few weeks ago I read a daily devotion that featured Romans 5:18…

And it hit me in a new way.


Consequently, just as the result of one trespass was condemnation for all men, so also the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for all men.

Though the result of one trespass was condemnation for all men (because God is holy), it then becomes reasonable to believe that the act of one man (Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection) can fix the problem for every human being.

Please let that sink in.


If it took one million sins, for example, for a loving God to finally separate himself from us, then it would be hard to fathom that God would think it enough to have a single act (or person) pay for all of our sins. But because only one act of disobedience separated us, then it is reasonable to believe that God does indeed allow one Man (Jesus Christ) to be the solution to the entire problem.

Our loving God is holy, thus the spiritual separation that must occur because we are sinful. But our holy God is loving, thus the complete restoration available to every human being through the sacrifice of His only Son.

If one sin separates, one Man can remedy.

And that is good news!


Who needs to hire a professional photographer when your twin sister can take graduation photos like this for you? Congratulations to our daughter as she graduates with a college degree and continues onward to further degrees in the field of Occupational Therapy.

To our daughter:

As you make all your dreams come true, you will also be a dream come true for each person you help.

We love you darling daughter. For all of it. The person you are, the hard work that earned you top grades, and the unmatched perseverance you demonstrated through the unexpected trials you faced in college.

You crossed the finish line in style, so raise those arms sweet girl. We celebrate you. We could not be more proud.

Triumphant finish, indeed.

© 2016 by Oaks Ministries. All rights reserved.

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Planting and Watering

I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes growth.

1 Corinthians 3:6

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