How our Imperfect Lives are Perfect

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28) Many of us are banking on this promise, but how does God accomplish good amidst all the chaos? Our limitations keep us seeking His power. But he said […]
Someday there will be an envelope with our name on it.

A fun date Recently my husband remembered one of my funny dating stories from college and asked me to recount it at the dinner table. Yes, people laughed, but tucked amidst the laughter is a sobering truth. I accepted a date in college with a man who attended a school of Mortuary Science. He wanted […]
The Wales Window

16th Street, Birmingham This weekend I traveled with a group of ladies to visit the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. The church is a national landmark because of its centralized role as a gathering spot during the civil rights movement and for the suffering that occurred September 15, 1963 when the church was […]
How much rest should we expect?

This portion of a verse is commonly used to support our need to sometimes get away for the purpose of getting rest…he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” (Mark 6:31b) But look at the first part of the verse: Then, because so many people were […]
Oh, the stories we will tell.

Last week I was involved in a conversation about George Mueller who is credited for caring for 10,000 orphans and building orphanages without ever asking for money…ever. He trusted God to provide. I recounted a story about Mueller this past week to some friends. I found it online HERE within seconds. The story is famous. […]
The Glory of Gray Hair

Right Now in America Right now in America, 10,000 people are turning 65 each day. The Baby Boomer generation is peaking and America braces for the need to provide long-term care for millions of elderly people. They are calling those of us born between 1947 and 1964, The Silver Tsunami. As you know, an actual […]
Let others go first.

Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Romans 12:10 Genesis 13 teaches us that Abraham (then Abram) and his nephew, Lot, had been traveling together, But the land could not support both Abram and Lot, with all their flocks and herds living so close together (v. 6). Disputes were breaking […]
The Value of our Christmas Card Lists

Holiday events are approaching at lightning speed. So many things to do! Gifts to buy and wrap, guests to welcome and feed, invitations needing an RSVP with not enough time to attend all. How do we love all the people? I can get overwhelmed by the number of people the Christmas season demands I interact […]
Finding the Lines

Lines have been on my mind again lately. Cross the line. There are lines in everything, it seems. We often don’t know what they are until a line is crossed. For example, you have had a great working relationship with your boss of two years and then at a holiday party he greets you with […]
How will your life be summarized?

The brevity of life is on my mind this week for several reasons. I am participating in a bible study on this topic, I am remembering the death of my brother 35 years ago this month, and this week my friend Ron Pershall went home to be with Jesus at 6:45 p.m. October 20, while […]