Are we really the author of our story?

On every cover of a book the author’s name appears. Why?

It’s the author’s story.

The author decides the plot, creates the characters, and decides how events unfold. Others can have an opinion about an author’s handiwork, but the story belongs to the author and is protected by copyright laws.

I have been captivated by the first week of homework in Jen Wilkin’s, God of Creation: A Study of Genesis 1-11. Several verses were studied, but mostly the very first verse of the Bible: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

Since God created everything from nothing, history is His-story to tell.

Jen used an analogy about how when she stays in a hotel, she cares less about keeping it clean than when she is a guest in someone’s home. I too don’t relax as much in someone’s home compared to a hotel. Why?

I want to be a good guest.

It matters how I treat the space that someone I care about has prepared for me. Earth is not my home and I am not here to do whatever I want.

For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come. (Hebrews 13:14)

I see sayings like, “You are the author of your story,” but I can’t buy that.

God is the author of our story.

I am not good enough to author my own story. Sure, I have prayed my larger-than-life dreams, but also made decisions I regret. I have experienced many successes, but have also failed miserably many times and missed opportunities because I shrank back in fear. It;s been messy, just like your story too. Every good plot has twists and turns, however. It keeps us turning the pages. And our God is sovereign.

The pen has never left His hands.

He decides when we enter (birth); He decides where we enter (location on the globe); and He decides when we leave (death). Into each of our frames He wove a temperament, a personality, talents and gifts so each of us would be perfectly suited for what He purposed for His glory.

God is paying attention to every detail of our stay here.

When guests visit our homes, we pay attention to their needs. Guests get our very best love and service. They get our best recipes and most cheerful greetings. We provide a good time so when they leave, they can say they enjoyed themselves.

God wants us to leave earth having enjoyed His story.

I have been thinking so much lately that I want my life to demand an explanation. I want to live in such a way that people ask why and how?

Then I get to say, “It’s God.”

You don’t think He can tell a magnificent story through you? Always remember, God created EVERYTHING from NOTHING.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

He created each of us! And He’s ready to write us into His best plots and key moments if we stop living for ourselves and lean into what He wants to do through us wherever we go.

Picture Explanation: This week included Valentine’s Day.  I greeted my family with trails of hearts inscribed with what I love about them. They greeted me back with flowers, a dancing dinosaur, and an amazing meal. I love my people, both those at home and those who received my greetings of love by mail.

© 2019 by Oaks Ministries. All rights reserved.

2 Responses

    1. I thought of you when I wrote this, and again just now when I fixed some typos and grammar mistakes! I am so glad He holds the pen. We are safe in the larger story He is telling. It is a joy to watch you trust Him in yours. Beautiful walk of faith. Your pictures of paths and bridges and roads are true symbols of what this life is like. May we both keep walking.

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Planting and Watering

I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes growth.

1 Corinthians 3:6

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