Secret Formula for Success

In the famous story about Jesus feeding the multitudes with just some loaves and fish, a secret is revealed that applies to all of life’s circumstances. Let’s take a look at the account as reported in Luke, chapter 9.

What was the problem? 5,000 men — along with women and children — were hungry and had no food.

For there were about five thousand men…and had them all sit down. (Luke 9:15)

What were the available resources? Five loaves and two fish

“We have no more than five loaves and two fish—unless we are to go and buy food for all these people.” (Luke 9:13)

In John’s account, the disciples tell Jesus, “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish, but what are they for so many?” (John 6:9)

What was the key to success? Put the meager resources in His hands

And taking the five loaves and the two fish, he [Jesus] looked up to heaven and said a blessing over them. Then he broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd.

Miraculous results: Every person ate until they were full and there was still a ton of leftovers!

And they all ate and were satisfied. And what was left over was picked up, twelve baskets of broken pieces. (Luke 9:16-17)

Do you want your life to count large?

“I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all;

but whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that I still possess”

~ Martin Luther

Let’s wake up each day and place our paltry amount of resources in His hands. Doing so makes room for God to show up to produce bigger results than we could ever pull off ourselves. Consider this scenario that happened a few days ago.

Problem: A nurse I know texted me and asked for prayer. Her day’s duties were much larger than normal.

Available Resources: Herself and thin staffing.

Secret Formula: Just like a little boy handed loaves and fish to Jesus and then walked away with no food for himself, this nurse went into a bathroom stall and prayed, “Lord, I can’t do this. You have to,” then returned to the floor.

And there you go. We don’t pray, “Lord, help me,” which implies that we will take things part of the way then ask God to finish up. Instead, we give it all to Him with prayers like, “All you. No me,” and “I can’t. You can.” We place our resources in His hands and walk away because the human resources no longer belong to us. For this nurse, the prayer of “I can’t do this. You have to,” translates to “Lord, I place myself and my team in your hands and ask that you do the impossible. Get it all done with perfect care and execution for each patient.”

Miraculous Results: Another successful day on the hospital floor happened despite an insane number of admissions and discharges — “seven in and 12 out.” What occurred was clearly not the results of one woman and her staff. Jesus multiplied efforts so much that management noticed and commented positively.

Imagine what it was like for the little boy to watch as thousands were fed with his small offering. I wonder if he helped put some of the leftovers in a basket with amazement.

Do this every day.

Hand Jesus your to-do lists, relationships, concerns, job, health, anything and everything, then watch Him multiply your scant resources with miracles. The days I do not purposefully hand Jesus my day’s duties and concerns turn out to be just that — days. The clock ticks and the sun sets but seeing results that exceed my resources on those days is rare.

The hand-off is literal.

I can’t stress this enough. A little boy literally placed loaves and fish into the hands of Jesus. There was physical touch involved, an exchange of goods, and the boy walked away because now Jesus had become fully responsible for the results.

Consider what it takes to shake hands with someone. We must extend our hand to grip the hand of another. The handing of our resources into Christ’s hands needs to be just as intentional. If you don’t already, I suggest reading your to-do list to Him out loud during your prayers instead of praying a general silent prayer that He be with you that day. I believe there is a difference between the two, similar to texting a person versus talking face-to-face.

Let’s put things in His hands! Jesus multiples!

Picture Explanation: Someone turned 70 last weekend and came home from the hospital this week with a new heart. I have witnessed another miracle.

Speaking of giving Jesus our days to multiply our efforts in our short life: If you are interested in being contacted to participate in a One Gritty Blink Bible study, click on the Oaks Ministries link below and send me an email so I can place you on a list to be contacted as online and face-to-face studies are planned. Let’s not just focus on things in this short life, but also what counts for eternity!

Note: No part of my posts are derived from A.I. Thoughts and writing stem from my mind and heart as I process life week-by-week and continue to grow in my understanding of God and how to apply His wisdom to the world around me.

© 2024 by Oaks Ministries. All rights reserved.

13 Responses

  1. Hi, Laurie! What an upbeat post and reminder to give every detail to Jesus. What a great reminder to be careful and intentional about giving all things to him and of acknowledging our weaknesses and need for him. I read John 15 earlier today. Truly, we can’t do a thing without him and his power. Welcome home to your hubby! Truly a miracle!

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I am glad you found the post upbeat. It is good news that we can hand things to Jesus. It is good news that our offerings can multiply. Yay!

  2. Wow…you are the first person who has put into words what I have shared over the years. I love how you apply it in the present! ” Hand Jesus your to-do lists, relationships, concerns, job, health, anything and everything, then watch Him multiply your scant resources with miracles.”

    Thank you for using your talents to remind us to use His words for the present. I love that someone who is 70 came home with a new heart and yes it is a miracle❣️

  3. Dear Laurie,

    What insightful perspective, thank you. I SO want the rest of my life to count large, as I’ve got some making up to do. Nurses ARE very special people, largely forgotten. And as for miracles, there happens one typing this reply.

    Please never stop blogging and let’s celebrate the remainder of April, which coincidentally happens to be.. NATIONAL DONATE LIFE MONTH.❤️‍🩹

  4. Oh, how God works! His message delivered thru you so that I could hear it. I have some issues going on and have been worrying about them. Now my ears have been opened to hear ” I can’t but He can ” Amen. Thank you Laurie for sharing his messages no matter where or how they come to you.
    So happy you hubby is home!

    1. I am so glad my post helped you! And I liked our church sermon this morning too. Ears to hear. 🙂 What a good day.

  5. Phenomenal post! With all the challenges we all face as the world becomes more chaotic I find myself daily praying out loud asking for his guidance and for peace within my heart. John is truly a miracle and no doubt will set fire the path Jesus has him on!

    1. Hurray for praying out loud! I focus more and mean it more. As for John, a new lease on life. Let’s see what God does.

  6. Rejoicing with you in the miracles you’re witnessing! Only by the power of the blood of Christ and through the power of the Holy Spirit can any of this occur! I love the idea of the literal hand exchange in daily handing God our list. Today I watched our senior pastor pass a literal wooden baton to our next lead pastor, so that picture is fresh on my mind. In your context, God gives a few gifts; we present them back to Him. He shakes it up, and out comes important, multiplying effect! As I stand in awe, my job is to say, “Thank you!” and spread it out to others!

    1. How cool that your pastor handed a literal baton to the next lead pastor. That is exactly the principle being discussed. And I think the tactile experience was important for both men. I am so grateful our efforts can be multiplied in His hands.

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Planting and Watering

I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes growth.

1 Corinthians 3:6

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