Pray one day at a time.

We have all heard the phrase, “Live one day at a time.”

I don’t know about you, but I sometimes struggle to live this way. When there is something on the calendar that requires my preparation or leadership, half of my mind wants to remain preoccupied with  the  future. I have difficulty focusing fully on the task in front of me today, responding to nudges from the Spirit of God, and doing…

Each. Next. Thing.

Sure, days pass by even when I live them poorly, but can’t seem to give anything my full attention,

  • no task,
  • no prayer, and
  • no person.

That is a problem.

After all, what makes a week lived well?

  • A string of 7 good days.

What makes a month lived well?

  • A string of 4 good weeks.

A year lived well?

  • A string of 12 good months.

You get the idea. 

I have some important deadlines coming up in March that threaten to keep me mentally preoccupied until St. Patrick’s day. To combat my common struggle, I often revert to a prayer practice that helps set my mind on “things above.” Doing so makes me less inclined to become entangled in the details of the calendar.

Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.  (Colossians 3:2)

This practice helps me remember

I only have the minute I am living in. I am not promised the next one.

Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.  (Proverbs 27:1)

Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. (James 4:14)

This prayer helps me stay in today:

Good morning, Lord.

Thank you for January 24, 2021.

I have never lived this day before and never will again. May I live it well and glorify your name. May I live in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ (Philippians 1:22) 

Give us this day our daily bread. Provide all we need mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually as we invite you to be our sustenance. Infiltrate all aspects of the day (you can list items on your to-do list), all relationships (can list people on your mind) and all concerns and worries (can list anything not yet named).

Thank you for the privilege of having the truth of the gospel on my tongue! Such grace. May I speak readily and gently in ways that reflect how amazing you are. (1 Peter 3:16)

When I lay head down tonight, may you smile because I lived this gift of a day well for Your Kingdom, not mine.

In Jesus’ name,


Picture Explanation: She woke up January 21 and was never promised January 22. We will miss you, Carol. Thank you for the reminder to live each day well.

© 2021 by Oaks Ministries. All rights reserved.

12 Responses

  1. Very timely message. I woke this morning thinking about something happening Wednesday and thinking today was Monday.
    I am now taking it all in and being still. Thank you for being so obedient to deliver the messages God whispers in your heart.

    1. Oh, sister, thank you for sharing that. We only have grace for today and can’t borrow it from tomorrow. I will pray for your Wednesday.

  2. Oh Laurie & John. I am so sorry for your loss of Carol. I remember her fondly. Blessings to the O’Connor family.

    Sara & Gary

  3. Laurie,
    Thank you for reminding me not to wish for time to hurry up, especially as I wait (in pain) for my knee surgery date. I just need to rest in God, serve God, and enjoy all that He has given me today.
    I’m happy to have my new Chronological Bible that you recommenced. The paperback was sold out, so I eventually bought the hardcover. My next Bible study journey has begun.

    1. Oh, Carla! I will pray for your upcoming knee surgery and am so thankful your next Bible Study journey has begun. I am tracking with you!

  4. Hi, Friend. I don’t know Carol, but am saying a prayer for her family and yours now. Thanks for the reminder to just live in the current moment and to trust God with the future. Thank you for your sample prayer. It is really helpful! We so need the fellowship and encouragement of other believers to keep us coming back to truth!

    1. I am in the battle of taking one day at a time and have enjoyed others sharing their fight is the same. I don’t want to waste today, or any day, and I have. Let’s live well.

      Thank you for your prayer for Carol. She is my sister-in-law and raised my husband and his other siblings. She gave her life for them.

  5. Such a beautiful message and reminder. The pictures were a wonderful reminder of the love she had for our family.

    1. Seeing God’s working in our lives from a broad perspective is one of the few benefits of aging. 😉 Look forward to the glimpses he will give you as well. They are coming, and they build our faith.

      P.S. – There are some great people in our lives, aren’t there? True gifts.

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Planting and Watering

I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes growth.

1 Corinthians 3:6

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