Just DO Something



That is what I woke up feeling on the first day of 2015.

I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I felt trapped. Imprisoned.


I dream big. My heart aches to live life well for Jesus Christ.

But on the first day of 2015 this is how I saw things:

  • I couldn’t speak freely about Jesus at my job.
  • I couldn’t be involved in the women’s ministry at my church because of my job.
  • I was wasting my time being a foster-t0-adopt parent.(For four years my husband and I have been clocking the required training hours each year and doing all the home visits…with still no boy to be a brother to our son.)



(My computer says suffocatingly isn’t a word, but trust me, it is one.)


God came to my rescue through Passion 2015. 

Have you heard of Passion conferences? Each year they occur at the start of the year. Passion 2016 is occurring right now, as a matter of fact. The conferences are open to young people ages 18-25 and their leaders, but old folks can watch from the computer if the talks are livestreamed, which they are this year! (I sent out an alert to blog subscribers a few days ago. I hope you have been watching. I am watching with you!)

One year ago, almost to the day, Francis Chan spoke at Passion 2015.

His talk was entitled: Just DO Something.

The message spoke to me.


Here are some quotes that string together to give you the basic idea of his message:

Err on the side of action.


God’s Word is so clear about so many things, yet we feel we need to hear a voice. Just assume God wants you to do something.


Just DO something.


We are on the side of safety rather than of erring on the side of action.


I’ve made far more mistakes by sitting around and not trying something.


I read these quotes and like you, admit that I have many reasons not to try things.

What if it’s a mistake? Or, I don’t have time!


I so often want the whole picture before I take the first step.


Sheer desperation drove me this year to just DO something even when I had NO idea how it was going to turn out.

  • I piloted one Bible study and helped someone else pilot another.

Didn’t even know how any of it was going to fit into my schedule when I set them up.

  • My husband and I decided to do respite care for other foster parents instead of doing NOTHING waiting for another boy.

Didn’t even know if we had time to help anyone amid our crazy, often conflicting, schedules.

  • I took two courses for certification to teach on-line.

Didn’t even know if I could manage the extra work in addition to my normal workload…or if I could even pass.

I just did SOMETHING.


Here are the results:

  • I made new women friends and started some meaningful relationships. My pilot materials were further improved for possible publication this year. Some women said the study was life-changing.

Well worth the time and effort.

  • A child we did respite care for is now at the home of friends of ours in transition for a probable adoption.

Well worth the time and effort.

  • My online certification created a more flexible schedule and I can be involved in the women’s ministry at my church for the first time starting this month.

Well worth the time and effort.

  • I kept blogging every week. Students and co-workers have a chance to find me on-line. They may not be interested in anything I have to say, which is totally fine. But if they are interested, I am here. That is something, and I like it.

Well worth the time and effort.


Notice each of the above do-somethings were done to produce results for GOD. They never were endeavors for ME.

Each do-something gave room for GOD to do something for HIMSELF…and He showed up in each one.

Giving God even the tiniest bit of room invites Him to move in and do mighty things.


Friends, don’t live a life in 2016 that leaves God no room to do anything.

If you are aching for God

  • to show up in amazing ways in your life
  • to use you in mighty ways
  • to have your life count for Him,

you have to DO something to give Him room.

It is my hope that I never again start a year feeling suffocatingly stuck because He never again finds me living life refusing to

Just DO something.

I am starting 2016 feeling free…in the sense that God has room to do something with me.

Let’s live a DO-something life together!

© 2016 by Oaks Ministries. All rights reserved.

6 Responses

    1. Ah, I have watched you do a million do-somethings and can’t wait to see what He does with them. May 2016 bring even more.

  1. Thank you for a great challenge! What we consider an act too small to make any difference, God sees as a seed planted that He can make grow! I want to live purposely this year making the most of every opportunity to plant seeds and invest in the lives of others, praying that the Lord will use my efforts for His glory!

  2. Great post, Laurie! Praise God for how he took your small offerings and did SOMETHING with them! Thank you for your encouragement!

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Planting and Watering

I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes growth.

1 Corinthians 3:6

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