Sit Around the Table with Me

Each year I make sure we linger long around the Thanksgiving table by having every person share what they are thankful for. Usually it’s the list of five things that each family member writes on their paper hand (as shown in the next photo), but people can share whatever they wish, and the list can be longer than five. of course.

Today, you are at my table of Thanksgiving.

I like my blog community…each of you that checks this website weekly. One of my friends explained she only reads two blogs on a regular basis because that is all she has time for. I understand! I only subscribe to a handful for the same reason. That is the limiting reality for all of us in this media saturated society, and it makes my readers all the more precious! You could be subscribing elsewhere and I know it.

So I pray for you.

Yup, I have a list of blog subscriber e-mails in my prayer journal. God knows the people behind each  address. Just this week a sweet person introduced herself and revealed she is one of my blog subscribers. So I asked what her e-mail address was because that was how I knew her until we met. Now I know her name, which is so cool.

So here is my longer-than-five list of what I am thankful for this year in 2017. Do you want to have some fun this week and comment with some of your list?

Let’s go around the table now.

Okay, it’s my turn…

  • I started the year with my arm healing from surgery…will never be perfect again but my arm works so well I forget about it except occasionally.
  • My husband got a new job.
  • My husband works more hours for his family than anyone I know.

  • We moved to a new house that suits us more than the last.
  • How God got us out of the old house…purged stuff and found homes for a bird and fish…and it sold!
  • My job has been a joyful part of my life…love my students and love teaching.
  • Each time I spoke at an event this year I was handed a topic I knew nothing about…and God gave me a talk. A miracle each time.

  • Our big dog died quickly and did not suffer long.

  • We still have little dog left.

  • Both daughters were accepted into competitive graduate programs.
  • My daughters talk to me.
  • Right when our daughter needed a car, we had it. Don’t have it now, but had it then.

  • My dad picks up the phone every time I call. My mom rescued me when I needed help moving.
  • My son talks to me.
  • My son has made huge strides toward becoming a better student.
  • My son and I enjoy our church.
  • My son made new friends this year. I like them.

  • I have a week off for Thanksgiving for the first time in my life. That has never happened before!
  • I am with my oldest (step)daughter’s family and grandchildren this Thanksgiving for the first time ever on her turf.

  • My girlfriends. Oh, how I enjoy them and need them. What joy.
  • My Bible Study table ladies — spring, summer and fall this year.
  • My blog subscribers. Writing for them keeps my thoughts productive.
  • Husband and I made exciting plans for 25 next year. Something to look forward to.

Okay, it’s your turn!

Picture Explanation: From the last year of my thanks to God.

© 2017 by Oaks Ministries. All rights reserved.

6 Responses

    1. This visit with you is a true gift, my dear. And it’s hilarious that I am answering this from upstairs while you are downstairs. Technology. Gotta love it!

  1. 1.) I’m thankful for YOU! What a blessing you have been in my life this past year!!
    2.) I’m thankful that God redirected my oldest daughter’s path and put her in a place that is fostering Spiritual growth! Yay God!!
    3.) I’m thankful my younger daughter is now at Fellowship school (her hearts desire)
    4.) I’m thankful for the work the Lord is doing in my husband.
    5.) I’m thankful for the healing that has taken place in Jeff and my daughter’s relationship!
    6.) I’m thankful for my Dad’s healing of Colon cancer. Each additional day He gives us with my Dad is an act of His kindness and grace.

    1. To my most frequent blog responder. Love this list and that we are now close enough that I knew your list ahead of time. Thanks for sharing it publicly. God is good, good, good.

  2. 1. I’m forever thankful for the writer of this blog!!!!
    2. Nursing school in Cincinnati & everything coming full circle for me
    3. Family and personal health – any day without a health scare is an absolute blessing
    4. New friendships that were formed this year. Watching God tug on the hearts of a few has been awesome to watch.
    5. Parental support has been one of the most thankful items on my list this year. When I’ve been unable to suppkrt myself, I had parents more than willing to step in. I can only hope to repay you some day… (and yes, I do like our smaller house now for that reason 😉)
    I love you!!!!! Happy Thanksgiving week, I’m glad I get to spend it with you pretty lady.

    1. I am thankful for you too! Been fun watching this year unfold for you. I see the beauty in it too. (Do I tell people the picture next to your name isn’t you?)

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Planting and Watering

I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes growth.

1 Corinthians 3:6

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