Happy 2023! Word for the year.
It’s a new year! For some of you there is excitement in the air as the calendar turns to 2023. Our family is looking forward to the arrival of a new grandson! For other families, like the one I mentioned last week who lost Dawn, the grief must be gut-wrenching as her loved ones face […]
Jesus arrives — in secret, emptied and poor
Merry Christmas. It’s a boy! I hope you have enjoyed our advent season preparing for the arrival of God the Son on earth: Jesus as a secret Jesus as emptied Jesus as poor This month’s reflections have been meaningful to me and I hope they were to you too. Takeaways for us from December […]
Reflections about the 4th.
As this post falls on a 4th of July weekend in the U.S., I thought it would be fun to share the shortest inaugural speech in history. Delivered by George Washington on February 13, 1793 for his second term, the speech is only 135 words. I find it fascinating to compare THIS speech to those […]