No ordinary baby.

Through Jesus, the earth was created (Colossians 1:26), but at the bidding of His Father, He left the grandeur of heavenly places and was tucked inside in Mary’s womb to develop and be born. Why? To dwell with us. (John 1:14) To show us who God is. (John 14:9) To die for our sins. (John […]
No exceptions.

I have a friend who claims the best way to read the bible is in large chunks so we can see the big picture and catch patterns. I fell a little behind on my chronological bible reading this month and had to catch up this week. I thought of her as the word “except” jumped […]
An important checklist

I prayed through some Scripture this week, pausing to pray here and there as people or circumstances came to mind. It is my favorite way to pray because my requests are springing directly from God’s Word. I like the confidence knowing such prayers are His will. Psalm 15 is short and sweet, but perhaps because […]
When we are not qualified to speak.

I have been thinking a lot about speech lately as I watch a whole lot of people have a whole lot to say about the lives of others, themselves, and the world. Words are flying. Not many seem to be quiet. I think about my own speech as I am tempted to say a whole […]
Do I ever look like an idol worshipper?

I am participating in Priscilla Shirer’s study on Elijah, which included the famous challenge Elijah set up with Baal worshippers in 1 Kings 18. Elijah and Israel were on one side and about 800 prophets on the other. (Half of the prophets worshipped Baal, the other half his female consort, Asherah). Each side chose a […]
Here comes the bride. It’s us!

On December 31, 2020, I finished my bible reading plan in Revelation. This passage piqued my interest, perhaps because our daughter got married last month. Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and the old earth had disappeared. And the sea was also gone. And I saw the […]
Why are things so broken?

We know things are broken in this world, but why are we so surprised when we experience it, and where did the brokenness come from in the first place? Genesis 1 and 2 reveal God’s beautiful and just plan for creation and humankind, but in Genesis 3, the relationship we were created to have with […]
Merry Christmas

To my beautiful blog subscribers and to anyone else who stops in this week, thank you for visiting this address in cyberspace in 2019. This month we have been contemplating what life must have been like for Mary, the mother of Jesus. On this Christmas day, I imagine her holding a baby that is completely […]
The world didn’t see Mary, but God did.

Thank you for contemplating with me this month what Mary’s life was like prior to our Savior’s birth. Two weeks ago we considered her visit from Gabriel HERE. Last week we considered the kindness of God to provide companionship through Elizabeth HERE, along with the interaction between two unborn children. This week, Elizabeth voiced the […]
When did Mary get pregnant?

In last week’s post, a young woman named Mary, a virgin, received news that the Holy Spirit was going to come upon her and she was going to have a son. His name was to be, Jesus. He would be “great and be called the Son of the Most High.” The Lord God would “give […]