My dear subscribers,
Oh, how I appreciate you hanging in there with little ol’ me. Some of you have been reading my musings for years with 100% participation. I can only pray that the seeds that God planted through the posts grow to fruition. May the seeds that weren’t quite right, because I am learning and growing, blow away and never land anywhere else to grow at all.
I have only written for God.
I have written without any assistance from AI even for ideas or outlines. What you have grown to know over the last 553 published accounts is what Jesus has done in Laurie, plain and simple. By God’s grace, I have not skipped a week since May of 2014. A few Easters I wrote each day of the weekend, so it is safe to say I have posted faithfully for 10 1/2 years.
Blogging has probably saved my life.
This weekly practice has given my mind a good place to go in its spare time. I always had next week’s blog post to mull over when my mind was looking for something to do. Once a post started formulating in my mind, processing things of God through my fingers at the keyboard gave me the ability to live Philippians 4:8: Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. I am unbelievably grateful for that.
Oaks Ministries
I have loved and cherished Oaks Ministries since it was launched in 2001, trademarked in 2002, and I have blogged since 2014. My work here has been supplemented by the constant work of writing, leading bible studies and speaking. What God has most forged into my heart as a result of my brother’s death is a deeper understanding of the brevity of life compared to eternity. Anyone who knows me, hears me speak about the brevity of life and hopefully watches me live with an eternal perspective. It has been God’s work in me.
Time to pause or move on
I have sensed God moving me away from blogging for quite some time. My subscriber list — though precious to me — has not grown. My formal bible study, One Gritty Blink, reached nearly 100 men and women around the world. The original pilot reached 100 during the Covid pandemic, so 200 in all. Adding the 20 years I was developing the One Gritty Blink concepts in living room bible studies and a self-published book, I guess a lot of people have been challenged to consider the brevity of life compared to eternity. Since God grows each of our efforts done in faith, I can look forward to the fruit He will produce from my efforts, but I sense Him leading me to stop striving to make Oaks Ministries something bigger. A new chapter will now be written.
I am going to be still for a while.
Be still and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10). This is a common verse, but at one point this year, it pinged my heart when I heard it. I knew God was nudging me in that moment to cease striving for a while, so I am not going to blog anymore unless God leads me back. Effective today, my website will sit dormant until further notice. Eventually, it will come back to life in the same or different form, or close altogether. God will decide. I am not going to write another bible study or book until God leads. I will not speak unless invited. Along with the website, I am going to be still, keeping my heart in neutral until He shows me the next thing.
Last week was Christmas.
On a quiet evening amidst twinkling lights on our Christmas tree, I wrote some words on a hand-carved acorn ornament that a dear friend carved, dangled a One Gritty Blink pen on the twine loop, and I solemnly and intentionally gave God the 22 years of Oaks to use as He wishes. I will trust Him with the results. He knows how much I worked, how meaningful Oaks has been, and how grateful I am that He stayed so close to me for two decades, and that I always had something fresh to write about each week.
I love the Lord so much.
As I typed the paragraph directly above, I had to take breaks to sob hard. I want my life to count for eternity with such intensity that my heart aches. But I also want to make sure my efforts are what He wants me to be doing. I don’t want to force a ministry to be something I dreamed up when reality speaks differently.
You can still order.
Feel free to order One Gritty Blink bible studies for as long as this website remains. If you have been contemplating taking or leading One Gritty Blink in 2025, you may! Order those supplies and teach it. I will help anyone who still wants to teach others how to contemplate the brevity of life compared to eternity. I just won’t be promoting anything Oaks until further notice, but you can!
I leave you with my life verses.
Whether I have Oaks or not, may I never stop living like this: He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me. (Colossians 1:28-29)
Thank you precious subscribers.
I took time this past week between drafts of this post to pray for each of you subscribers, some of whom I have not met. The Creator of heaven and earth heard your name, or your email address. 😉
In Him and for Him,
Picture Explanation: Snow in Pennsylvania and Alaska.
Speaking of living a short life seeking His Story, not ours: If you want to join the next online One Gritty Blink Bible study, click on the Oaks Ministries link in the copyright line. Check out the study in the One Gritty Blink tab, then send me an email in the Contact tab so I can place you on a list to be contacted for a future study! Let’s not just focus on things in this short life, but also what counts for eternity.
Note: No part of my posts are derived from A.I. Thoughts and writing stem from my mind and heart as I process life week-by-week and continue to grow in my understanding of God and how to apply His wisdom to the world around me.
© 2024 by Oaks Ministries. All rights reserved.
30 Responses
I copied and pasted what I wrote June 4, 2023 on honesty. I too started writing on Linkedin on 2014. God told me to pause as well. I do understand.
You are one of a few Christians I have met that takes “deep dives” and I was a minister’s wife for 20 years.😂 You have a gift and have used it beautifully. Your seeds have been spread and quoted!
June 4, 2023
I love your “deep dives” into scriptures. I can “honestly” say I have used this scripture in my life’s work as an educator. “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. (Ephesians 4:29) but…I need work on certain topics❣️
Happy Trails…till our paths cross again🐢
Thank you for understanding and for your enthusiastic support. I enjoy your writing, as
well, and hope to meet you someday.
Congratulations on a job well done, sister!! You’ve been so very faithful!! I will miss Oaks and that connection with God’s stirrings on your heart. I watched you step out on a limb of faith since its inception 22 years ago as you began to write your book, “ Live Above the Chaos, Display God’s Strength and Beauty No Matter What” and ran drafts past a small group of trusted friends in your living room, and God has blossomed that into multiple books and 553 blog posts!! Stunning!! All of this will continue to bear fruit. Your love for God is evident. Your love for His word is evident. Your love for people is evident. And, although you’re written about faith, hope, and love, I Cor. 13:13 says it’s the latter that will remain.
May God bless and keep you in the stillness of heart even as He has in the steadfastness of hands to the plow. May Oaks of Righteousness always remain —for the glory of God!!
Thank you for the kind words.
So well said, Jewl!! Whole heartily agree with all that you wrote! Margee
PS You’re beautiful!! Love you, Laurie! 💕
Dearest Laurie, I have known you for so very many years. I am some of that early fruit and often have quoted the things you have taught me to so many women. I love you dearly. I will miss not reading your posts. I believe you have my phone #, I would love to talk to my precious friend.
Ethel Romig
I know your number! Ha! I remain a text away. You have known me the longest of this blog group by one year. Absolutely precious to me.
Beautifully written, and as always reflects your deeply rooted commitment to honor our Lord. I can’t help but imagine God smiling upon your face saying, “well done my good and faithful servant”. I eagerly await for God to reveal your next journey! Love you my precious friend🤍
Thank you, my friend. I am sad, but doing what I think I am supposed to do. I am driving today and already wrote two blogs in my head. Ha! The habit is entrenched. Let’s see what He will do.
Meeting you and getting to know you has been a treasured experience for me. Your weekly blogs were many times just what I needed at a certain time. God appointed no doubt. I am grateful for the sharing of Gods heart through your prayerfully and lovingly written words.
Love you
I am so glad that by God’s grace, your needs were met. He will keep taking care of you!
Oh,Laurie…..faithful…..You have been faithful as you’ve written and brought the
Word and words to this space. Staying at something is no easy thing, knowing the Lord was speaking to you as you sought to bring the Word.
Thank you. As I’ve written these past 5 years, you have been a model for me. Thank you for your prayers for me, and your encouragement. I’m so grateful for how the Lord brought us together on the cruise. I’ll be praying for you as you continue to teach and share the Word. bless you, my friend.
love, Pam
God did something the day we met. I know it. May He guide us both. May He bless your messages!
One day you’ll get to look back and see the impact that Oaks has had on lives around the world. Thank you Laurie for this 553rd blog over 10 1/2 years of faithfulness. Through every adversity imaginable each Sunday morning a message from your heart was delivered to our inbox’s, and that in and of itself was an amazing gift to all of us. I anxiously await to see how God uses you and your talents in the next chapters to come.❤️🩹
Thank you for the kind words.
Love you so much, Laurie. Thank you for your example of faithfulness to what the Lord has asked of you. Your heart for HIM is obvious & contagious. I admire your tenacity so much. I look forward to seeing how He moves & works in this next season of “being still”. And am so glad that the Lord enabled me to attend one of your gritty blink bible studies on line! So much love to you, friend! Margee
Thank you, friend, as you live a contagious life yourself!
Laurie, thank you for your steadfastness and obedience in all of your writings. And now hearing again from God to “be still”. I also admire you and your vulnerability. Since the Fall dropping of acorns in our front yard, between 3-7 deer steadfastly appear every morning and evening to dine on God’s gift to them, His acorns. His oak tree has temporarily stopped dropping its acorns now…for awhile…and the oak’s acorns will “be still” for awhile. I’ll pray that you will hear distinctly from the Lord, and in His timing, what He has next for you. YOU are a blessing! 💕
What a beautiful picture for me of taking a rest until the next season arrives. Thank you.
I have loved your posts and insights. Thank you for sharing 553 blogs. What a feat!
Trusting God with you as you pause to hear His voice. Much love.
Thank you, friend. You know about “pause” too. May God stay close and steer us.
I love what Jewl wrote about you as you began writing your first book “Live Above the Chaos.” I was so blesses to be in that small group of women you trusted to walk with you on your “Oaks” journey. I have learned so much from you about the heart of Jesus! I have seen in you a passion for the Lord and a desire to honor Him in all you do, and I have also seen a passion in you for literally everyone in the world to come to know Christ as their savior! Your posts always touched my heart and encourage me in my walk with the Lord. I will miss them, but I pray that as you rest in the Lord, He will refresh you, bless you, and give you clear direction for the future of Oaks Ministry. Again, I agree with Jewl: “May Oaks of Righteousness always remain — for the glory of God!!”
Thank you for your kind words, and for being there in the beginning.
Dearest Laurie,
Your blog messages have been a highlight and source of hope, peace, and insight to me each week. Well done, faithful servant, in communicating the important and urgent message that this temporal life is but a blink compared to eternity.
I will truly miss opening my Sunday email to find your new blog post waiting. God works in you in ways that you beautifully communicate to others. Thank you for your humility and vulnerability as you shared glimpses of your every day life that sparked deep thoughts and truth of the eternal kingdom.
Blessings on you in this next chapter, whatever that may be!
What kind words. Thank you.
This sentence is God’s grace to both you and me: Thank you for your humility and vulnerability as you shared glimpses of your every day life that sparked deep thoughts and truth of the eternal kingdom.
Dear Sweet Friend. What a vulnerable and sweet post. Thank you for faithfully following God’s lead with Oaks for the past 24 years. This is very, very hard. May the Lord bless your faithfulness and do mustard seed math with the space you have given him to shine through your frame as a soldier and firework. May he bless you as you love people and lead them to become heirs of Abraham. May those believers you touch be encouraged to give God their layers and let him transform their lives. You are precious to me. I’m glad to be in your life for this One Gritty Blink and that I will spend all of eternity with you. May all be well with your soul, Dear Friend!
Amen, and Amen!
Thank you so much Mama for your dedicated service in the garden of the Lord, you are indeed a blessing to this generation and God will forever remember you in Jesus name amen.