Dear Church: Do we over-value degrees?
I have always loved studying Peter, probably because I am a lot like him. I too boldly told Jesus I would never leave him! I did for a season. I won’t be so bold again. Last week our lesson in church was about Peter and the leader ended with this verse: Now when they saw […]
Customized Friends: God makes them just for you.
I know the fall season has just begun this week (Hallelujah) but this week I am studying Mary, the mother of , as part of Ten Women of the Bible by Max Lucado. This morning I noticed something I had never noticed before. (I love how the Bible is unsearchable and new every time.) The […]
I love my Daddy and I love my daddy.
A few weeks ago, someone at work proudly showed me a video of his young son. The 9-month old adorable little boy was sitting on a carpeted floor tossing a ball toward the camera and someone behind the camera was tossing it back. Each time the son received the ball back, a female voice could […]
Dear conservative church, do you discriminate?
I have been conducting and informal experiment in my life. I have been asking people, “What is the dominant culture in America?” (Please answer the question for yourself before continuing on.) The resounding answer people say is… White, or Caucasian. A few say “the rich” dominate. I too have always thought that because my skin […]
Seeing the enemy of our souls through a 9/11 lens.
It was September 11, 2001, a beautiful Tuesday morning fifteen years ago today. My husband and I showed up for a meeting at a home at 9 a.m. The homeowner already had the television on. A plane had crashed into the North tower at 8:46 a.m. while we were in transit to her home. We […]
Please pray for Nabeel Qureshi
I interrupt my normal blogging Sunday morning schedule this week to make a very important prayer request for Nabeel Quereshi. Please. It’s not about what he means to me. It’s about how he has been being used by God within the global discussion about Islam and in the way that he engages in such discussions […]
Living with the Consequences
Last week I blogged about new insights I had gleaned from the story of David and Bathsheba in 2 Samuel 11. A lot happened in that chapter. David committed adultery with Bathsheba and then had her husband killed in battle. Turns out, a lot happened in the next chapter too — 2 Samuel 12. This […]
Got any warped boards in your life?
My friend was cleaning her kitchen when she noticed some water on the floor near her dishwasher. She knelt down to wipe up the wetness when she noticed some floorboards were slightly warped. Just a bit. She could have ignored these small signs, but she didn’t. Upon further investigation she found moisture on a wall, […]
Happy Anniversary – 23 years and counting.
On August 14, 1993 at 1:00 p.m., church bells chimed in a rural Pennsylvania church. As they ceased, there was a holy pause, then doors swung open to reveal a bride ready to be walked down the aisle to her groom. That bride was me, and I remember being happy. I remember being certain. And […]
Summer Prayers: Lord, encircle our schools!
Hello sweet blog followers. Do you know I pray for you? I don’t even know who some of you are. I have your e-mail addresses in my prayer journal and regularly thank God for you and ask Him to bless you. Summer is over now. These hot months have been a disappointment, but God has […]