One Secret to Remembering God’s Goodness

Years ago, in my early twenties, I bought my first new car. I remember feeling all grown up one day while gathering my things to go visit friends just a few miles away. I remember taking great care with my appearance and feeling very in control as I got behind the wheel of my spotlessly […]

The Joy of One Day: The Secret of Staying Present

When my kids were little and we didn’t live in a neighborhood, the only way for any of us to have relationships was to schedule play dates and drive places in order to spend time with friends. One of my favorite hang-outs was at the Todd’s. Julie had five kids and was ahead of me […]

Your messy past has not messed up your future.

If you have a messy past, doesn’t matter. BECAUSE of your past, you are specially prepared for the future God has planned for you. Paul is speaking here… To me, though I am the very least of all the saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ. (Ephesians […]

This Easter, are you more like Mary Magdalene or Peter?

Today is a wonderful day of celebration for Christ followers! Today Jesus proved his power over death and provided the evidence that He can make good on His promise of eternal life for all who place their faith in Him (John 3:16). If you happen to attend church for Easter this year, you may only […]

Sin Always Ends Bigger Than It Begins

Our city has been in the news recently. On March 30, a fire was started under one of our major thoroughfares near some stored materials that happened to be flammable. That tiny first spark ended up causing the collapse of several north and southbound lanes. By God’s grace the fire proceeded slowly enough that people […]

Can we mess up God’s will for our life?

Can any of our mistakes mess up God’s will for our life? Can some of our past sins be extreme enough to permanently limit what God can do in and through us? These questions haunt a lot of people and quite frankly, have haunted me for years. When I became a Christ follower at the […]

How not to be easily offended

A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult. (Proverbs 12:16) I don’t know about you, but it appears people are becoming more easily offended, reacting dramatically and instantly even to what appear to be small matters. But today I look in the mirror. I too have been a fool, […]

Being a Christian means you move.

How many times have I read Genesis 1:1,2. I have even written about these verses in my book, Live ABOVE the Chaos. But this week, while listening to a Beth Moore broadcast, Breath, she caused something to hit me in a new way…right between the eyes. In the beginning God created the heavens and the […]

How am I doing? Can’t complain.

The most common greeting in my region of the country is, “Hi, how ya doin’?” Quite frankly, it stresses me out. The answer is always the same from everyone: “Fine” Every day. All day long. No matter what. Hi, how ya doin’? Fine. How are you? Fine. Hi, how ya doin’? Fine. How are you? […]

No Wonder I Struggle to Forgive Myself

Ash Wednesday was this past week, launching the 40-day lent season preceding Easter. In His perfect timing and ever-surprising ways, God used a secular event to get me thinking about the forgiveness Jesus provides through His death and resurrection. I attended a thought-provoking seminar, Life After Prison: The real truth about reentry. We heard from […]