Women Unite Against Sexual Abuse

Women across the country have been speaking up all across America, holding perpetrators accountable for their sexual crimes. This week, it felt like the church’s turn to join in loudly. One week ago today, Kay and Rick Warren invited Beth Moore to the stage to address sexual sin from the pulpit. This was a landmark […]

How to Keep it Simple When Life is Not

The world as you know it just fell apart. A tragic phone call arrives. A shameful secret is exposed. A betrayal happens. That financial threat becomes a reality. A loved one dies. Court papers arrive. It feels like things will never be the same. True. They won’t. But not everything has changed. Not really. The […]

Wealth or Community: Which is better?

I read a description of the early church in Acts 2 this week and I wonder where that church is in America. They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. […]

Make sure your prayers are powerful.

This week Beth Moore (@BethMooreLPM) tweeted something that made my heart leap with a YES! I wonder if God hears our tepid prayers, looks around and goes, “Oh, were you talking to Me? It sounds like you’re talking to someone else. I’m the one who created out of nothing, who parts seas or walks on […]

Who told you that you were naked?

For years now, my first week of January involves keeping close tabs on one of the most influential Christian conferences in the world that takes place near me in Atlanta, Georgia. Passion 2018 has ended, but each talk is posted on YouTube. I have been making my way through each session in chronological order and […]

How to Close a Year and Start a New One

What has your year been like? Rough? Filled with blessing? Some of both? Whatever 2017 has been like, the calendar turns tonight and tomorrow a new year begins. Some of you already know 2018 will be rough. You are smack dab in the middle of something difficult. Chemo. Divorce. Unemployment. So why bother paying attention […]

Mary on this night so long ago

It’s Christmas eve. The inn is still on my mind. Long ago on this day, Mary and Joseph asked for a room in the inn. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn. […]

Is there room for Jesus in your inn?

Every year I focus on a particular part of the Christmas story on which to meditate and I have become smitten and convicted by a verse that might appear quite mundane at first glance: And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because […]

Let’s decorate more than our house for Christmas!

This summer we moved to a new home, so this Christmas I am pulling out old decorations and putting them in new places. As I have wandered around beautifying my new space — filled with thankfulness for my new home — I have been pondering other areas of my life that need intentional decorating for […]

My daughter is BRILLIANT with her brother: Lesson in discipleship

Last week when we traveled to Illinois for Thanksgiving, my daughter and her sister wore matching shirts for a Thanksgiving morning 5-K. What looked like a small town athletic event was run by the church with grand purpose. Tickets for the race were purchased by donating a toy. The huge collection of items for needy […]