No exceptions.

I have a friend who claims the best way to read the bible is in large chunks so we can see the big picture and catch patterns. I fell a little behind on my chronological bible reading this month and had to catch up this week. I thought of her as the word “except” jumped […]

Let’s slow the rush down.

I went to the post office this week and was there when it opened. I was the second person in line that day. This was going to be quick, I thought. This was the second of four errands before arriving home to start work. I only needed postage for a letter. The postage owed was […]

Are we as beautiful as this?

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Matthew 9:38) During a visit this week to where I grew up, my family and I happened upon an actual hay harvest. Take a look […]

Are you pleasant to be around?

Are you nice to come home to? Are you nice to work with? Do people like being around you? Part of the answer for each of us is connected to how well we live out Proverbs 15:30: The light of the eyes rejoices the heart, and good news refreshes the bones. ESV A cheerful look […]

The Secret to Thriving.

Four years ago we moved to a smaller house with a smaller yard. Nothing fancy, but exactly what we wanted. I am happy here. In our front yard is an oak tree. As the founder of Oaks Ministries, how appropriate. I am fond of acorns and oak leaves because they represent growth and strength. I […]

An important checklist

I prayed through some Scripture this week, pausing to pray here and there as people or circumstances came to mind. It is my favorite way to pray because my requests are springing directly from God’s Word. I like the confidence knowing such prayers are His will. Psalm 15 is short and sweet, but perhaps because […]

When we are not qualified to speak: Part 2

Last week’s blog post inspired some conversation online and offline so I thought I would clarify some things. If you want to first check out last week’s post HERE, feel free. I talk a lot about a “squeaky clean heart” in my conversations and teaching about living the Christian life. By that, I mean that […]

When we are not qualified to speak.

I have been thinking a lot about speech lately as I watch a whole lot of people have a whole lot to say about the lives of others, themselves, and the world. Words are flying. Not many seem to be quiet. I think about my own speech as I am tempted to say a whole […]

Imperfect Perfection

We are imperfect and limited. God is perfect and unlimited. How do these two truths work together? Why did God make us limited? It wasn’t a cruel joke. He didn’t create us to gain some sort of satisfaction from watching us struggle. He also didn’t create us because He needed something from us. He has […]

Do I ever look like an idol worshipper?

I am participating in Priscilla Shirer’s study on Elijah, which included the famous challenge Elijah set up with Baal worshippers in 1 Kings 18. Elijah and Israel were on one side and about 800 prophets on the other. (Half of the prophets worshipped Baal, the other half his female consort, Asherah). Each side chose a […]