Jesus arrives — in secret, emptied and poor
Merry Christmas. It’s a boy! I hope you have enjoyed our advent season preparing for the arrival of God the Son on earth: Jesus as a secret Jesus as emptied Jesus as poor This month’s reflections have been meaningful to me and I hope they were to you too. Takeaways for us from December […]
Jesus as Poor
This month we have pondered Jesus as a secret, Jesus as emptied, and today we consider Jesus as poor. Family members from out-of-state traveled to celebrate Thanksgiving at our home this year. They stayed in a nearby Airbnb because our home wasn’t large enough to accommodate them comfortably. The night before they left to drive […]
Jesus as Emptied
While Jesus was on earth, He was 100% man and 100% God. Last week we pondered how Jesus left heaven and succumbed to the human growth process in Mary’s womb. Today we ponder that Jesus was not only 100% man, but also 100% God! GOD the Son emptied Himself! …though he was in the form […]
Jesus as a Secret
Shopping with Jesus in Mind
Therefore, let us off through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name. And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God. (Hebrews 13:15-16) I hope each of you had an amazing Thanksgiving. Last week HERE I expressed […]
Getting Ready for Thanksgiving
I don’t know what happened, but Thanksgiving is here! Just yesterday it seemed a month away and now out-of-town guests show up next week! The holidays are here, and sadly, the to-do list is threatening to steal my joy so I am going to take a deep breath and remind myself of a few things. […]
Does God want to burst your bubble?
Maybe so. The phrase, “living in a bubble” is fairly common. In the world of social media, it is used to describe the algorithms that serve up the information we most enjoy — movies we like, opinions that match ours, messages from people we want to follow, and political messages that suit us. If we […]
Are we responsible for other people’s thoughts?
Sometimes, I believe we are. The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to the inmost parts. Proverbs 18:8 What is a choice morsel? The Greek word is laham, which means to swallow greedily. Another phrase is “dainty trifles.” Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance says “choice morsel” means to wound: properly, to burn […]
Grief is a Lifelong Journey
36 years ago yesterday… October 29, 1986, I attended the funeral of my brother, Dan. I blogged a few weeks ago about attending a funeral of a 24 year old son of a friend. I watched a sister speak at her brother’s funeral. I know a piece of what she felt. I have also been […]
We should be the best in the world at these.
Relationships Every person in the world engages in relationships as a necessary part of life, though the health of those relationships varies. As Christ followers, we are to be striving more than any other people group to be the absolute best at creating and maintaining relationships. Why? Because God’s name is attached to our reputation, […]