Are you pleasant to be around?

Are you nice to come home to? Are you nice to work with? Do people like being around you?

Part of the answer for each of us is connected to how well we live out Proverbs 15:30:

The light of the eyes rejoices the heart, and good news refreshes the bones. ESV

A cheerful look brings joy to the heart; good news makes for good health. NLT

As a mom, this verse challenges me. Parenting requires that we lay down the rules of the home, discipline children, clean and cook when we don’t feel like it, help with homework when doing homework is complicated, and come home after a long day’s work legitimately needing some down time.

As a wife, this verse challenges me. Marriage requires that we lay down our lives to honor another on a daily basis, to bear with each other and keep doing so for decades. There are seasons of varying difficulty, but those season variations don’t allow for commitment variations.

Does God expect us to smile every minute?

Years ago, I determined the answer is no. Jesus didn’t smile every minute, for example. He scolded, wept, taught sobering truths and was bone tired at times. But I also realized it is possible to live an entire day without smiling. I can also live an entire day without saying something kind, even if I never say something mean.

So I set up some guidelines about smiles.

I can’t smile every minute, but I aim to make sure I smile at certain key times of the day by routine. I really work at. 1) The first time I see each family member each day, 2) As each person leaves my home, 3) As each person enters the home, 4) The last time I see each family member before they go to bed.

Doing so will help ensure that all days start off on a cheerful footing, all leave knowing they are loved, all return feeling welcomed, and all go to bed feeling loved. I can’t predict what will happen in between, but though I have failed many times at this, I have aimed to practice Proverbs 15:30 in this way for quite some time.

And I set up a guideline about words.

What I have taught my kids and what I try to live by is, “If you think a positive thought, say it.” In this day and age I can also choose to pause and text it.

As schedules relax this summer, let’s make sure we are a pleasant person to be around by making sure Proverbs 15:30 is alive and well in our homes and relationships.

Picture Explanation: Someone turned 17 and we had a birthday dinner. I love him.

© 2021 by Oaks Ministries. All rights reserved.

4 Responses

  1. Congrats, Birthday Boy, and to a wonderful, beautiful mother who dies to herself so often in order to love her children well! God has given you so much wisdom. Thank you for sharing it. Thank you for your example of how you use your beautiful smile to love on others!

    1. I humbly say thank you. My family knows all the flaws and misses. May we all plod along and never quit. May we all start over a million times. I do love my family, that is true.

  2. Thank you for your example of never losing your passion for your husband and your children, even when you are exhausted! I believe that passion comes from the Lord, because He sees your desire to honor Him! I agree with Leann: Thank you for sharing your life with us. It spurs us on toward love and good deeds! Your blog is always a blessing!

    1. Anything worthy in my life is Jesus shining through, trust me! I am casting a vision I often don’t meet, but I recite the common saying to my kids: Aim for the moon and you will land in the stars.

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Planting and Watering

I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes growth.

1 Corinthians 3:6

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