Why is this a Good Friday?

9 a.m. today – Jesus is nailed to the cross.

12 noon today – The earth goes dark.

3 p.m. today – Jesus is takes His last breath after saying, “It is finished.”

This year I participated in my first Lent study. I am traveling through Journey to the Cross by Paul David Tripp with a group of amazing ladies. I have been so blessed by maintaining focus on the events of this weekend for the 40 days leading up to Easter morning.

On Day Day 31 of Tripp’s book, Colossians 2:14 jumped out at me.

He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross.

I just kept staring at these words.

He canceled the record of the charges.

I owe no more debt for my sin. The debt is canceled because Jesus paid the bill for me. I thought about some of the debt in life that has been cancelled because it is now paid in full — student loans, parent- plus loans, car loans and the like. No one is knocking at my door asking me to pay the debt again. It is cancelled.

He took it away by nailing it to the cross.

I have a list of sins I have committed before a holy God, sins that would horrify me to put on a list and post for all to see. But that list has already been posted for all to see. That list was nailed to the cross with Jesus at 9 a.m. today while He began the payment process through crucifixion. My sins – past, present and future, have been paid for by Jesus.

Do I believe that?

In one sense, I do. I placed my faith in Jesus for the forgiveness of my sins years ago. Much like financial debt, my sin debt has been paid. Jesus offered to pay it for me and I accepted. But sometimes I feel like Satan – or even my own self – comes knocking at my door to pay for the sin all over again. On some emotional level, I can still believe my horrific sin debt has not been cancelled.

I did an exercise.

So on Day 31 of the study, I wrote these words centered on the page with a rectangle drawn around it — Cancelled the record of debt that stood against me. Underneath I listed the sins I still feel guilt about that come knocking on my door, asking me to pay for them again. My paper looked a bit like this.

“Cancelled the record of debt that stood against me.”

I made the list.

Then I drew a giant, bold


through the list.

What is your list?

If you also have some sins that are resistant to the truth of Christ’s forgiveness, this seems like the perfect day to claim this verse and mark an X through your list too — the list nailed to the cross with Jesus today.

It’s a Good Friday.

4 Responses

  1. This message was a great reminder that ALL my sins have been forgiven. I too think about some of those things that are too painful to remember and keep asking for forgiveness for them. What a beautiful reminder that I don’t need to ask anymore. God bless you my friend for sharing your thoughts and sharing them with us 🙏

    1. I am in the good battle with you. I am responding to this about 30 minutes before our charges against us went to the cross with Him. I am soooo thankful! Lord, grant us the ability to comprehend this reality with our minds and hearts.

  2. Whoa. These words grab me and remind me of my sin and that it was nailed to the cross and the X cancels it. My mind needs to see this so I can embrace the Easter story more fully. Thank you, Laurie.

    1. The words grabbed me too, this year. I am right there with you.

      I went to a Good Friday service this year. There was a giant, realistic cross center stage. I think for the first time ever, I imagined my list up nailed to the cross beside Jesus.

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Planting and Watering

I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes growth.

1 Corinthians 3:6

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