Racism hurts everyone.

My son never stops moving. One Saturday after finishing his morning chores, he went to the skate park, then the pool. After dinner, he went back to the pool again. In and out of the house he went all day long. Until he got a splinter. Then everything stopped. So there’s my strapping teenage son […]
Sin Always Ends Bigger Than It Begins
Our city has been in the news recently. On March 30, a fire was started under one of our major thoroughfares near some stored materials that happened to be flammable. That tiny first spark ended up causing the collapse of several north and southbound lanes. By God’s grace the fire proceeded slowly enough that people […]
Calling something a sin is not a bad thing.
Recently I have been watching the church lean toward what many believe is a more loving approach toward reaching people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Some Christians are telling others their sin is okay. Pick any sin. My thinking remains the same. Some Christians are saying things like, God is love. (This is true.) […]