Am I loving well? Part 4: Dying to Self

It is the last day of February and our last day of considering means to reflect God’s love. Thank you for going on the journey with me. Week 1: Speak well HERE. Week 2: Process emotions well HERE. Week 3: Forgive HERE Today, Week 4: Surrender Love dies. A verse I lean on frequently and […]
Am I loving well? Part 3: Forgiveness

No matter how many times I participate in a Q&A after a talk, if forgiveness was even mentioned, it gets the most attention in discussion afterward. Forgiveness is an understandable sticking point in our spiritual lives. Each of us has suffered from the decisions, actions, words and sins of others. To hear the stories breaks […]
Am I loving well? Part 2: Patience.

Today is Valentine’s day. Candy, cards, flowers and roses have been purchased and delivered to people all over the nation. Red and pink hearts will adorn many kitchen tables. Handmade cards will be made by the hands of little people. Special dinners will be enjoyed by candlelight. “All told, Americans are planning to spend roughly […]
Am I loving well? Part 1: The words we speak.

A few weeks ago I found myself listening to a conversation between people sharing this observation: people who don’t know Jesus yet can be loving too. In addition, it was stated that people who don’t know Jesus are often more loving than those who profess to be Christians. This is what Christ followers are supposed […]