Surviving Life’s Storms in 2019

So many of us rolled out of bed on the first day of 2019 and life was hard already. Our circumstances were the same as they were the day before. Nothing had changed while we slept. What now? How do we live through the storm? How do we keep from drowning in the waves washing over […]
Week 2 of Advent: Faith

This December, I want to focus less on giving gifts and more on receiving the Gift of Jesus. Last week HERE I contemplated the intricacies of adoption. We have HOPE because Jesus came to rescue us when we could do nothing to rescue ourselves. The process of adoption – though beautiful – is never easy. […]
God is our Personal Trainer.

Faith is a muscle. By that, I mean we can’t just snap our fingers and suddenly have faith strong enough to make it through difficult circumstances. We need to utilize day-to-day normal life happenings to practice walking by faith so we are ready when absolutely everything we have will be demanded of us in order […]
What karate taught me about God

When I was 32 years old, I took karate. There I was, five foot eight inches tall, barefoot, wearing a white ghee, and surrounded by eight- and nine-year-old children. It was a sight to behold, I am sure. The night I was testing for my purple belt, Sensei Carl announced we would be breaking boards. […]
My Birthday Manifesto
This is my 100th post. It lands on my 55th birthday. Unbelievable timing. God was so kind. I have had a series of difficult years leading up to today. No tragedies have occurred, but I have been pressed down from every angle in unrelenting fashion with no ability to come up for air […]