What if I, or someone I love, gets the COVID-19 virus?

COVID-19 has changed all of our lives. Around the globe, each of us has changed our lifestyles based on quarantine measures imposed on us by local or national government decisions, and guidelines offered by organizations like the CDC in America, or the World Health Organization. We have each decided how to respond. Some are taking […]
Is this the United States, or the wilderness?

I must confess I have said a few times this week, “This doesn’t even feel like the United States.” As schools and jobs move online, malls close, and grocery stores empty, life is surreal. Feels a bit like wandering in a wilderness. There aren’t many people who would pick living in the wilderness over living […]
Coronavirus hasn’t changed a thing

This week brought so much change to so many people around the nation. Like many of you, my job went online. My son’s schooling went online. I had to go to several stores to find soap. Stores usually stockpiled with plenty are looking empty. Is this the United States? It feels like things have changed, […]