I love my Daddy and I love my daddy.


A few weeks ago, someone at work proudly showed me a video of his young son. The 9-month old adorable little boy was sitting on a carpeted floor tossing a ball toward the camera and someone behind the camera was tossing it back. Each time the son received the ball back, a female voice could be heard urging the boy to toss the ball again, “Toss the ball back to Abba!”

I got confused.


“Who is Abba? His Grandma?” I asked.

“No, Abba means daddy in Hebrew. I am Abba,” said the proud father.

Of course! Abba!


How silly of me not to have known that. Verses came instantly to mind.

And He [Jesus] was saying, “Abba! Father! All things are possible for You; remove this cup from Me; yet not what I will, but what You will.” (Mark 14:26)

This verse always gets me. Our Savior was in the Garden of Gethsemane facing the brutal realities of crucifixion and he cried out to His Daddy.

Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” (Galatians 4:6)

We too have the same Spirit of His Son in our hearts. We too have that same intimate relationship.

For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!” (Romans 8:15)

Children aren’t afraid in their daddy’s arms. They don’t act as slaves fearing their master’s hand. Like children, we are to fly into our heavenly Daddy’s arms without fear.

It’s been a weird week for me.

Nothing tragic has occurred so I dare not complain. I have been praying for two men, each facing their first round of chemo this week. I have asked you to pray for Nabeel Qureshi, and now also a man at my church with tonsil cancer. Those two men, and all others like them, are having tough weeks. I am not.

That being said, it was still a weird week.


Technology: My week was filled with technology problems at work, in Oaks Ministries, with our phone account, and even with my Starbucks account. I wish I could have those hours back. The time it took to address technology issues literally cut into my work responsibilities. Though I didn’t miss one work deadline, I always felt behind. Ever feel like that?


Microwave Installation: Home Depot showed up to install a microwave and walked out without installing it. I have a tile back splash and they didn’t have mortar drills and bits to do the job. They never do, so they are not coming back. The installation fee was refunded. Since then I have asked six people if either they know someone who can do the installation or perhaps can do the installation themselves. Nothing so far.


Relationships: In addition to technology difficulties, relationships were also weird this week. I was on the receiving end of sassy tones, mocking faces, contorted lips, and even silence, from all directions. One of the worst was from a customer at Starbucks. Before getting in line, I asked a well put-together woman in business attire standing a few steps away if she was in line. I was making sure I didn’t cut in front of her. My polite inquiry led to an immediate mocking response (complete with acting out). I responded with stunned silence. Needless to say, she was prayed for as I left the parking lot.

Such responses then caused me to wonder if I was the problem. I certainly felt like myself as I began each day. I don’t think I was any different than I usually am, but people responded to me in such unusual ways I felt uncertain about myself all week. The comments, faces and tones quite frankly, hurt. So in my talks with Jesus, I asked questions, I let Him touch those insecurities that were arising…and I felt very little.

I know you have had weeks like that too.


And that little video has been hanging in my head:

  • Hearing a mamma call the father of her son, Abba, in their home…every day.
  • Thinking about my Savior crying and pleading, letting “Abba” slip from His lips.
  • Reflecting on the Spirit of God in my heart that permits me to call God the same.


So I cried each morning during my time with God this week.

I just let myself be a little girl in my daddy’s arms and I called him Abba.


Just wanted you to know.

In case you need your heavenly Daddy too. In case you have been trying to be all formal with a holy God and posture your prayers like the adult that you are.


With God, you get to be a small child if you need to be.

With God, you have a Daddy that is perfect and complete, arms open wide, slathering you with grace, even if your earthly father did not (or could not) teach you what that was like.


I actually have an amazing earthly father.

We have talked several times each week since I left home 38 years ago. I dial his number with no hesitation.

I was thinking today that I never wonder if he is going to ignore the call or not be glad it’s me.


I address him as dad, but I can remember a few times…when life was really difficult and I felt extremely fragile…that when he picked up the phone he heard me say, “Daddy? It’s me.”

And he was there, just like God is always there.


I was also thinking today that he has played a HUGE positive role in my spiritual life with regard to how I approach God with confidence.

Dad, thank you.

This week I hope our heavenly Father hears a chorus of Abba! as grown men and women allow the Spirit of God in our hearts to address Him as our Daddy.

Picture explanation: My Daddy, and pictures of me as his little girl.


© 2016 by Oaks Ministries. All rights reserved.

2 Responses

  1. So, you have had that sparkle in your eyes from day one!! Gorgeous child! Thank you for the reminder of a heavenly Daddy Who will never leave us or forsake us! Many blessings to you!

    1. Yes, the sparkle remains. The love of our Abba Father keeps that twinkle in my eye, and kind comments like this. Thank you.

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Planting and Watering

I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes growth.

1 Corinthians 3:6

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