Time to Pray

War on my mind. I had a post ready to publish this week but couldn’t get the war between the Ukraine and Russia out of my mind. Though the war has yet to touch Americans in a daily-existence kind of way, the lives of people in the Ukraine, Russia, and their neighboring countries are feeling […]
Why did God allow Las Vegas to happen?
The nation has been sad this week following the Las Vegas shooting last Sunday. In many ways, I have not seen people so generally depressed since 9/11. It’s like a blanket of malaise has draped itself over our nation. And people are asking why. There are many true answers to the question. The scope of […]
Irma Helps Georgia Practice Hospitality
So here we are again. In last week’s blog post I had Hurricane Harvey on my mind and offered one way (of many great ways) to donate. This week Irma arrives, hitting Florida coasts that are closer to home for me here in Georgia. While at work this week nearly every co-worker was taking calls […]
Houston rebuilds. How to help.
I apologized to my students this week. I taught class on Monday and Tuesday without even acknowledging that over the weekend a national disaster had occurred in Texas. How embarrassing. Thankfully, I gave students an opportunity on Wednesday and Thursday to share about friends and relatives affected by Hurricane Harvey and to share ideas about […]