People puzzle me…but that’s a good thing.

When I was growing up, my mom purchased a jigsaw puzzle for each Christmas holiday. My dad would put a plywood top on a side table in the living room. This allowed whoever was working on the puzzle to be in the room with the rest of the family while assembling the chosen puzzle of […]

Quest for a life verse. Do you have one?

One of my dear friends picked a life verse for each of her children and has prayed it for them their entire lives. I did that with my youngest child, but for none of my other children. I was driving to work last week pondering what my life verse would be if I had to […]

What boundaries? God’s love has none.

Many a man claims to have unfailing love, but a faithful man who can find? (Proverbs 20:6, ESV) Lots of people claim to be loyal and loving, but where on earth can you find one? (MSG) In last week’s post I began a discussion about what real love looks like. The discussion continues today over […]

What REAL Love Looks Like

Our family had a wonderful day celebrating our love for each other yesterday. In simple form, there were appropriate amounts of pink, red and white paper products. I carted some red plates up from our basement that my daughter had used when her college colors were red, white and black. Streamers were hung. Notes were […]

The Lord DOES give us more than we can handle

Life is hard for a lot of people all around me these days. Paychecks seem to be tight for all. Everyone seems to be doing more work than in prior years as co-workers quit, are terminated or laid-off, but not replaced. Our children are under intense pressure grappling with fractured or blended families, the changing […]

Change is necessary, but we need to proceed carefully!

There is fresh talk about how we are to be telling people about Jesus. A few weeks ago I had my feelings hurt inadvertently by a Christian speaker. (See note at end of post) I know the offense was inadvertent because this lady wouldn’t hurt a flea, loves people with immense intensity and loves Jesus […]

My favorite word right now. And God loves it too!

My journey with kindness began when I was a substitute teacher years ago. I was in a middle school enjoying the quiet of an empty classroom while I ate my lunch… when I saw it. A small sign read, “Be kind to everyone. You may be the nicest part of someone’s day.” Me? The nicest part of […]

Two things about our culture that make me sad…and mad.

Maybe it’s the weather.   A bleary, dreary, rainy, cold, gray January. I have been melancholy and some things have been stirring in my soul. I don’t have anything figured out, but two things are bothering me this week. One: I am not getting outside much. I was reminded of Romans 1:20 this week: For His invisible, namely, his eternal power […]

When dark is good

This Christmas I asked for a few books for Christmas, one of which was The Beckoning by Michael Minot. His book came out recently just like mine did, and I wanted to support my Twitter friend. The book examines truths that transformed Michael from an atheist attorney into a believer in God. The entire book is a worthwhile […]

A Resolution We Can Keep

Happy New Year everyone! I wish for you what I pray for myself. May God grow your faith in ways that allow Him to display Himself through you more than He ever has before. (Really, I pray that for everyone who reads this blog post.) Thoughts on Resolutions When I first began playing around with doing a blog post […]