Thankful for some new things
Today I began preparations for out-of-town family to arrive for Thanksgiving. The house will be noisy, happy and a tad chaotic. Sometimes it can be a bit stressful making room for this holiday and getting psyched up to purchase, cook and serve around all of life’s other obligations. However, there is always that moment… I am […]
Children Need Families: Adopt, Sponsor, Foster
I have a friend on Twitter. Yes, I really do. She is @introvertedmama and she encourages me. Someday I hope to meet her. This month she notified her followers that November is National Adoption Month and the second Monday of November is World Orphans Day. I actually had no idea, but as it turns out, our […]
I want to be a Navy Seal
A few months ago I showed a video to a group of college students, the University of Texas (UT) at Austin 2014 Commencement Address delivered by Admiral William H. McRaven. When the video ended, one student exclaimed, “That was inspiring!” as others murmured in agreement. Today, a few months later, I am still being inspired by this video daily […]
Musings of a parent (as her girls turn 21)
Usually my posts launch on Sunday mornings at 3:00 a.m., but today this post launches at 5:56 a.m. on a Saturday, the minute my first-born entered the world squalling loudly and beautifully exactly twenty-one years ago. Seventeen minutes later (at 6:13 a.m.), her twin sister followed in dramatic fashion, almost dying, but we were granted the honor […]
Letter to my brother, Dan
Dear Dan, Twenty-eight years ago this month, you were involved in a terrible accident, our family said our last good-byes to you, and we attended your packed-out funeral service. It was on this exact day, October 26, that your heart beat for the last time and your organs were donated to people who desperately needed them. The sadness that engulfs me at […]
The Lord’s Prayer: Part 3
Hello blog readers. We are at the end of a post series on the Lord’s prayer inspired by a sermon series by Crawford Loritts. Unless noted, the content of the posts are not Crawford’s ideas, but God used his sermons to remind me that Jesus meant this prayer to be a guide about how we are to talk to our […]
The Lord’s Prayer: Part 2
In last week’s blog post, you learned that I listened to Crawford Loritts give a series of sermons on the Lord’s Prayer as recorded in Matthew 6:9-13 in which Jesus provides His disciples with an example about how to pray. I reviewed the first half of the prayer in my last post: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be […]
The Lord’s Prayer: Part 1
A few months ago, I listened to Crawford Loritts give a series of sermons on the Lord’s Prayer as recorded in Matthew 6:9-13 where Jesus provides His disciples with an example about how to pray. I will not be regurgitating my notes. Nor will I be citing Crawford in this post because I am not […]
Six reasons why I go to church
My son asked me this past Sunday morning, “Mom, are we going to church?” “Yes, son, our family goes to church.” This post isn’t about a set of rules and regulations. Over the years, I have missed church. I have called some family “pajama days” on a Sunday when our family needed a day off from […]
Why my last post matters
Today our conversation about glorified bodies concludes. It’s been a nice conversation, don’t you think? I wrote, you questioned. I wrote, you questioned again. Today I respond for the final time. The Bible warns us to avoid conversations that promote controversies rather than God’s work (such as I Timothy 1:4-7). Our dialogue has been God-honoring and […]