A Broader View of Racism in the Church

April 4, 2018 marked the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s assassination at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. Christian leaders gathered April 3-4 for the MLK 50 Conference to teach and learn from each other about racism in the church. One of the panel discussions included two of my favorite Christian leaders: Crawford Loritts, […]

Keep Praying Until You Can Face The Trouble

In this year’s Easter readings, I was struck with something new as I read about Jesus praying in the garden of Gethsemane. To set the stage, just before Jesus was arrested to be crucified, Jesus took with him Peter, James and John and “began to be sorrowful and troubled.” Jesus was visibly upset. He then […]

My First Easter as a Free Man

My amazing wife has faithfully written this weekly blog for nearly four years. During that time only one other person has done a guest post. So when she asked me to write this piece I was humbled and honored, as well as intimidated. I am alive today only because of my wife and I dedicate […]

I Don’t Want My Dreams To Come True

I have become a pretty intense follower of podcasts and in the ones I am listening to, a trend is occurring. Women are getting in touch with their dreams and following them. Most examples are things like starting that business, writing that book, or launching that podcast. Discussions about such dreams involve trusting God to […]

Are birds building nests in your hair?

One of my favorite sayings is quirky, but it works for me. You can’t stop a bird from flying over your head, but you can stop it from building a nest in your hair. (Martin Luther) The craziest thoughts go through our heads, right? Those thoughts aren’t sin. They just happen. But once they happen, […]

God customized you as His frame.

This week I was reflecting and praying about this principle: God has made us the perfect frame to do what He wants to do through each of us. Though Jesus is the same within all of us, when He is framed by our unique blend of physical appearance and personality, we can display Him differently […]

Good-bye, Billy Graham

Dear Billy Graham, I just finished watching your funeral service televised from Charlotte, NC. I was grateful to be home this particular Friday after having to work outside the home for a string of Fridays so far this year. I stopped and gave you the honor you are due. There haven’t been many men like […]

What Satan has in Common with my Computer

We all have noticed that once we start shopping for an item, ads for that item start following us everywhere on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. After moving into our new home last year, I searched online for semi-flush lighting for my dining room for a few months. I must have looked at 1,000 light fixtures. […]

Do you believe in God?

There is a subtle difference between these two sentences. Do you see it? Believe in God. Believe God. Do you believe in God? Many do. Many people believe in God. They believe in a Supreme Being out there — in fact, lots of pagans believe a God exists. Some even believe that the God of […]

I lost my first love, and I want it back.

To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: These are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands.  I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who […]