Why I try not to mess with God’s sovereignty
Last week I wrote about praying for my son to be on a basketball team with his friend. (HERE) When it didn’t happen, I trusted it was God’s best and told him so. A few days later, he asked if I could talk to the coach and maybe get switched to the same team after […]
Is prayer ever a waste of time?
…pray without ceasing, (Thessalonians 5:17) I pray. I pray ludicrous prayers. I pray my dreams. I pray my fears. I read God’s word aloud so He remembers what He promised (wink) while I also remember what He says. Sometimes I cry like a baby and other times I smile as I write entries in […]
We are called to love, not understand.
My daughter is studying Occupational Therapy and has taken me along for her educational ride and I have loved it! She is increasing my sensitivities, so much so, it sometimes feels like I have a new set of eyes. Last week she sent me this post and I have thought about it every day since. […]
God records our prayers.
This week I just got in the mood for some Francis Chan and listened to several of his sermons online. One in particular stood out. He started by reading the entire chapters of Revelation 4 and 5. Instead of racing through, he took his time. He read. I listened. I was reminded of how noisy […]
What’s it take to make us happy?
For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. (Philippians 1:21) I read this verse last week and cannot get it out of my head. To live is Christ. What does that mean? It means He is all we have. Everything else you can name is as fleeting as the blink […]
The less we think we know, the better.
45 years of being a Christian – seven years of crazy = 38 years of walking closely with God. What GREAT years each has been, every one. God has never left my side through thick or thin. I have seen miracles because He has put me in the position of needing a miracle time and time […]
God is our Personal Trainer.
Faith is a muscle. By that, I mean we can’t just snap our fingers and suddenly have faith strong enough to make it through difficult circumstances. We need to utilize day-to-day normal life happenings to practice walking by faith so we are ready when absolutely everything we have will be demanded of us in order […]
What karate taught me about God
When I was 32 years old, I took karate. There I was, five foot eight inches tall, barefoot, wearing a white ghee, and surrounded by eight- and nine-year-old children. It was a sight to behold, I am sure. The night I was testing for my purple belt, Sensei Carl announced we would be breaking boards. […]
Are we more connected to our cell phones than God?
Water spilled in my purse recently and my cell phone took a swim for an hour before I discovered it. Even several hours later, when my son shook the phone, water came out of the ports and made water spots on his shorts. There I was; The device I use for all scheduling and planning […]
Just travelin’ through. Are you?
For we are strangers before you and sojourners, as all our fathers were. Our days on the earth are like a shadow, and there is no abiding.(1 Chronicles 29:15) I was thinking this week about what it looks like to live as a traveler or sojourner on a practical level. Having just returned from a […]