The Power of Stories
Last week I shared HERE about the powerful stories that can be told as ornaments are hung on our Christmas trees, serving somewhat like Jordan stones…When your children ask in time to come, ‘What does the stone mean to you?’ then we can tell them the story. (Jordan 4:1-3,6-7) As it turns out, positive stories […]
The significance of ornaments.
Each Christmas my children received a dated tree ornament that represented the year. Reasons varied, like a favorite movie, a milestone achievement, learning a new instrument or moving to a new home. Our tradition was to exchange ornaments on Christmas Eve after reading The Tale of Three Trees and the Christmas story from the bible. […]
Why are things so broken?
We know things are broken in this world, but why are we so surprised when we experience it, and where did the brokenness come from in the first place? Genesis 1 and 2 reveal God’s beautiful and just plan for creation and humankind, but in Genesis 3, the relationship we were created to have with […]
God keeps children faithful, not parents.
This week our twin girls are 27. It has been absolutely amazing to watch them grow into who they are today. I can see right through those adult faces and remember the elementary artwork, treasured sentences each has said that are seared into my memory, the hours spent on the soccer field, and holding them […]
We can’t judge, but God can.
I am not sure how many people watched Amy Coney Barrett get sworn in as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Barrett’s speech was succinct and educational as she addressed directly the criticisms and fears expressed about her predicted rulings on the Supreme Court. Part of what she said […]
When working hard doesn’t matter.
Sometimes students fight a low grade by saying, “But I worked so hard!” “Yes,” I think to myself, “but I am not grading your effort… I am grading how well you met the criteria of the assignment.” It is difficult to read the work of someone who clearly worked hard, but something from the instructions […]
God did not promise Dan a long life.
This week my teen-aged son entered my walk-in closet as I was doing some organizing. We were chatting about his day when suddenly he asked, “What is that?” I turned. “That is your Uncle Dan’s football jacket.” “Do you ever wear it?” “Yes, I put it on in the fall, especially in October. The anniversary […]
Why firefighters rush into the flames
Recently I listened to a Nothing is Wasted podcast. Davey Blackburn was interviewing a fireman named Jay Sautel. I was quite taken by a particular segment in which Jason describes… why firefighters risk their lives to enter a burning building. It might seem safer and equally effective to shoot water down onto the building from […]
The only thing people can criticize…
Have you been disappointed in Christians lately? I have. Christian students, employees and parents are supposed to be marked by excellence. Not perfect, but excellent. And I am disappointed every time we are not. We are to love our enemies (Matthew 5:45), answer those who revile us with “gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15), exhibit […]
When we hide from God for a while.
I have been more sad than usual. Not sure why. Nothing tragic is happening, but as Davey Blackburn says, sometimes it’s not the big things that get you down, but “1,000 paper cuts.” Lots of good things are happening in my life too, so I have been a bit embarrassed and even apologized to God […]