What a desperate heart looks like
I pray to you, O Lord, my rock. Do not turn a deaf ear to me. For if you are silent, I might as well give up and die. Psalm 18:1 Do you know what this prayer of desperation represents? A prayer from someone who knows that they have no strength besides God, no relationship […]
Finding Peace in the Mess
Life is hard and hectic. Like you, circumstances are hectic. There aren’t enough hours in the day, I can’t prevent my friends and family from struggles, my schedule is uncertain, and I have no idea what the next hour will bring. What calms me down? This. Lean back in your chair, take a deep breath […]
Questions that Matter
Malachi 3:2-5 stopped me in my tracks at the end of 2022. What will it be like to face God? For he will be like a blazing fire that refines metal, or like a strong soap that bleaches clothes. He will sit like a refiner of silver… At that time I will put you on […]
Prayer for a new baby
And sometimes the post gets to be short and happy. On average, there are 250 babies born every minute around the world. This adds up to over 130 million new human beings entering the world every year. But each human being has been carefully crafted into an image bearer of God. Like this little one. […]
Does God care about productivity?
I was recently praying quite earnestly that God not “waste” any part of my life. Words like this tumbled out: It’s been too hard and quite frankly, I have worked too hard to live well for You to see any of it wasted. You need to get the glory for all you have done in […]
Do you have mental margin?
I recently realized I have slid into a life of having no mental margin. By this, I mean my mind is always occupied and busy. In my quest to use time “wisely,” I have filled my work commutes with podcasts and phone calls. Since car rides are the only time I am in a place […]
Are we missing the lovely bits of life?
I had brunch with a friend last week on her birthday. We haven’t talked in years and it was lovely to catch up. Like me, she is a lover of words. She shared that during a New Year’s Eve service at her church in 2022, the message included the phrase “lovely bits” of life. She […]
Wealth isn’t measured by our bank accounts
I have a 401-K through my place of employment. With all of the economic downturns and rise of inflation, I have chosen not to look at my retirement account. My thinking was, why ride the roller coaster of my 401K balance when I can’t do much about it? But then I received a letter from […]
We can walk like Noah
Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually…. But Noah… But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord….Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his time; Noah walked with God. (Genesis 6:5, 8-9) […]
Happy 2023! Word for the year.
It’s a new year! For some of you there is excitement in the air as the calendar turns to 2023. Our family is looking forward to the arrival of a new grandson! For other families, like the one I mentioned last week who lost Dawn, the grief must be gut-wrenching as her loved ones face […]