A little bit about myself…

I have noticed some new blog subscribers and wanted to take a moment to introduce myself to my expanding audience. A warm welcome to each of you!

I have lived in Georgia for over 25 years, but my roots were in rural Pennsylvania. One evening at the age of twelve, while sitting under the stars on the front step of this stone house, I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior. I became actively involved in Action-Impact through high school. Founded by Ron and Marcia Pershall, Action is still a thriving ministry in my tiny hometown over 40 years later!

I have always been driven by the to-do list, determined to do well and not disappoint myself or others. Unfortunately, I carried that propensity into my relationship with God. I thought that if I worked hard for God, He would keep me safe and happy. (That does not appear anywhere in the Bible.) After three difficult events occurred in quick succession in my early twenties, I decided (erroneously) that God didn’t keep up His end of the bargain. Stupidly, I decided to lead a destructive lifestyle for seven years until God lovingly let absolutely nothing work! I made a mess of my life.

Back to Him I ran, this time making Him not only my Savior, but also my Lord.

I dusted off my knees and wrote a book. The years spent asking questions, studying for the answers, and writing with a Bible in my lap, healed so many of my wounds. You can hear about my story a bit HERE. If you want to read my book HERE, just let me know in the comments. I will e-mail you for shipping details and send the book for $16. No shipping costs.

After answering 10 big questions I had for God, the book explores how God views us, how He grows us, and answers why we are here for this brief life.  It’s the stuff I had missed along the way trying to earn God’s love instead of receive it.

I am a professor by profession and my job gets my best effort. Those who know me well, however, know that Jesus is my greatest love and Oaks Ministries is my more important work of the week because it’s about stuff that lasts forever. The women in my local church are my top priority. The neighbors on my street are the people God selected to see my light on a stand, so I try to display God’s nature to all who are watching.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
(Matthew 5:16).

I am currently a self-described “rural Pennsylvania girl with a little Georgia thrown in.” I am trusting God to do a great eternal work for His Kingdom through a simple life of abiding in Him. My prayers for God to use me mightily for the Kingdom continue to extend beyond what my simple life looks like, but what He does with my life is His business. He is God after all.

Some simple facts about me include…

  • I like a cup of coffee in the morning, but it’s mostly because I like to hold the warm cup in my hands.
  • I despise wire hangers.
  • If I went back to school, it would be to get a degree in something Bible. Love my Bible.
  • I shop at Goodwill every Tuesday on senior citizen discount day. Grabbing one item a week adds up to a wardrobe.
  • I don’t like filling out forms. They make me sweat.
  • I like all colors best in autumn hues.
  • The more diversity in the room, the better, and civil, spicy conversation beats all.
  • I don’t trust systems. Courts, banks and insurance companies scare me.
  • I like jewelry.
  • I like having unique hair, my only expensive maintenance item.
  • I have wanted a teacup chihuahua for a long time. Tried twice. Struck out twice. Loved both dogs that I got instead. Now I have my eye on the idea of a teacup Pomeranian.
  • I love sitting at a desk. Always have. And I think every room in the house needs a comfy chair to curl up in.
  • I am not a foodie. Any food is fine.
  • I like a pretty house…with rural Pennsylvania flair, of course!
  • I don’t like the clock ticking in my head. I prefer free flow schedules that allow me to take my time with each thing.
  • I believe everyone should have a current Passport. Traveling is always a good thing.
  • I like my girlfriends. I love my kids so much I can’t breathe. I would not be who I am without my husband.

Picture Explanation: 1. This is who I am today. 2. Yes, that is the front step on which I began a relationship with God. 3. Yes, those two people with me are still serving Jesus with Action-Impact. They have touched countless lives. Generations. 4. My only book signing. 5. Me in kindergarten. I told you I liked jewelry..and accessories and shoes. 🙂

© 2020 by Oaks Ministries. All rights reserved.

13 Responses

  1. Dear Laurie,
    I so enjoyed reading this blog post. I searched out some of the other ones too. Your kindergarten picture is precious. God has truly done great things in your like, and Ron and I are honored to be part of your story. You are special to us.

    1. So glad you visited today! Little did that kindergartner know what was coming. But God never stopped being good. Love you forever.

  2. Laurie, you inspire so many, myself definitely included. Keep spreading God’s love. You are a treasure and I love reading your blogs each week.

  3. Laurie, staying on the narrow path is not always the easiest,but does take us to where He is and allows us to see things that were too close below. Sure we become tired, and may trip here and there but we never walk alone. Jesus know the way and that is all I need to know. Marcia and I have walked and climbed together through life and have had a great adventure, of which you have often been a part of through out the fifty years of ministry. By faith you and John have taken part in His miracles and have helped us touch lives. We love you. Ron

  4. Hi, Laurie! I had a reading ‘club’ last year with a neighbor lady friend. We had a great time sharing after reading ‘Living Above the Chaos’ aloud. Do you have study guides?

    1. Hello! I e-mailed you back on December 18 to a gmail account. I am so sorry something got messed up! I will e-mail now to the e-mail you used just now.

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Planting and Watering

I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes growth.

1 Corinthians 3:6

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